Uzan! :] profile picture

Uzan! :]

About Me

Yes, axiomatic subject matter, executed with absolute lucidity.We can't keep deferring action, only surviving by the skin of our teeth. We can't keep deferring action, only surviving by the skin of our teeth. We're sick of the same old story, tonight the motionless must vacate, so we can accelerate out of a stagnant society. We're sick of the same old story, tonight the motionless must vacate, so we can accelerate out of a stagnant society.We will, we will never be sane We will, we will never be sane We will, we will never be sane In an unsane system Keep the tempo up, keep the pressure on Keep the tempo up, keep the pressure on Keep the tempo up, someone take the first step, be brave and cave in.ALLRIIIGHH.Okay, I admit it, we are totally lost. Imagine that, and then they say..We've lost the movement, we've lost the beat. We got so tied up in making a profit that we choked when we realised what was at our feet We've lost the movement, we've lost the beat. We're all made of the same dark matter, its intrensic that we rise to our feet. We'll start a movement, we'll start a beat. We're all made of the same dark matter, its intrensic that we rise to our feet.We're sick of the same old story, tonight the motionless must vacate, so we can accelerate out of a stagnant society. We're sick of the same old story, tonight the motionless must vacate, so we can accelerate out of a stagnant society.We will, we will never be sane We will, we will never be sane We will, we will never be sane In an unsane system Keep the tempo up, keep the pressure on Keep the tempo up, keep the pressure on Keep the tempo up, someone take the first step, be brave and cave in.We're sick of the same old story, tonight the motionless must vacate, so we can accelerate out of a stagnant society. We're sick of the same old story, tonight the motionless must vacate, so we can accelerate out of a stagnant society.We can't keep deferring action, only surviving by the skin of our teeth. We can't keep deferring action, only surviving by the skin of our quite frankly in love with christopher batten

My Blog

a drunken confession....

it makes no i keep getting this angrytheres no reasonno excuseso why does it keep happeningwhy do i keep fighting the tearskeep fighing myselfi wanna feel my s...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 09:36:00 GMT

halloween 08 @ fibbers (pictoors)

i couldn't be bothered to like turn any of the pics round or anything, so deal with it :P, nor could i be bothered to de-link them. ahaha. steal the pics if yu wish, idc.was a propa banging night :) ...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 16:23:00 GMT

a bit on life...

theres a thousand things going through my not going to think im just going to type, see where it takes me.its like never know whats going to happen untill it is a cra...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 03:45:00 GMT

im counting down the days...

humm.... :(feeling really down today.really wanna cry.wearing all black, including my new rocks - which i havnt worn since my dads funeral.... wearing the top i wore aswell.just kinda...sitting...dwel...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 06:30:00 GMT

i miss you.

im gunna miss;the way yu always waited up for me when i went out.the way whenever i went to a gig yu'd call me all the time to see how i was.the wa...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 15:12:00 GMT

Enter Shikari 06.11.07

right so i went to see enter shikari for the 5th cool.icba to write loads.but heres a shit load of pictures, maily of chirs. and some videos.haha.annnd tbh "christopher batten" : ]! lolzz ...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 07:06:00 GMT

Lostprophets 15/02/07

all pictures and videos were taken/recorded by me/kelly barratt.the forth time, the third i was meant to go with micky, but she couldn't aford it, so i went with kelly.ok so tbh, this was fuc...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 10:43:00 GMT

Lostprophets 9/12/06

note to all; my pics, my vids, my story, MY OBSESSION!Cuz i'm way cool i went to see lostprohets again, this was time number 3. best time ever yeh. :]!so it pretty much started off the day before when...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 05:02:00 GMT

Lostprophets 7.7.06

eeeee gawd fuck!!NOTE TO ALL:I RECORDED ALL THE VIDEOSAND TOOK ALL THE PICTURES!!! ok so this was they day that we went to see LOSTPROPHETS live at brixton acdademy! was the best fucking day ...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 17:42:00 GMT