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Dead Can Dance, Bathory, Current 93, Celtic Frost, Forseti, Disembowelment, Candlemass, Possessed, Armoured Angel, Vulcano, Bulldozer, Blasphemy, Obscurity, (the real german) Poison, Sequentia, Sodom, Nihilist, old Laibach, Necrovore, Autopsy, Grotesque, Minotaur, Gluck, Testament, Sadus, Black Sabbath, Asphyx, Hedningarna, Pagan Rites, Manilla Road, Bestial Warlust, old Samael, Brocas Helm, Order From Chaos, Tormentor, Sangre Cavallum, Slaughter, Winter (demo), Ulver, Swans, Comus, Repulsion, Bruckner, old Mayhem, Vader (Necrolust era), Order From Chaos, Liszt, Sibelius, Nifelheim, Voivod, Ordo Equilibrio, Allerseelen, early 4AD, Blood Axis, R.A.V.A.G.E., G. Mahler, Karnnos, Thorns, The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud, Early Music, Artillery, Violent Force, Pentacle, Desaster, Deströyer 666...
Nattvardsgästerna (I. BERGMAN), Dersu Uzala (A. KUROSAWA), La dolce vita (F. FELLINI), Fanny och Alexander (I. BERGMAN), Stroszek (W. HERZOG), La grande bouffe (M. FERRERI), Le notti bianche (L. VISCONTI), Laitakaupungin valot (A. KAURISMAKI), Die Nibelungen (F. LANG), The Wicker Man (R. HARDY), Ordet (C. T. DREYER).
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