Welcome to the myspace page for Bushido Close Combat Academy. Our goal is to provide realistic training and self-defense using what is known today to be proven combat effective. Real martial (warlike) arts (anything that takes time and skill). Currently offering private, semi-private, group classes and seminars for weekend instruction in:
*Jun Fan Gung Fu, Original Jeet Kune Do, Jeet Kune Do Concepts; includes the core curriculum of techniques, science, concepts, street and military combat tactics as taught to DEVGRU, DELTA, and other USSOCOM units. Developed by Sijo Bruce Lee (Lee Jun Fan); continuing to exist after his death through the Seattle, Oakland, and Los Angeles Periods and Instructors
*Kali Silat; includes Inosanto LaCoste Kali, Dekiti Tirsia Siradas/Pekiti Tirsia Kali/Doce Pares Escrima/Arnis Pangasinan (Kali), Lopez Escrima, Lanka Empat Pencak Silat, Kuntao Silat, and Cibatok Cimende Silat, Dumog, Pananjakman, Panantukan, Kino Mutai, and Kaukit. All styles are mixed together
*Offensive Fighting Tactics; Extreme Street Survival
*Monadnock (Police Training Council) Defensive Tactics System and Baton, ASP Handcuffing and Baton, TASER, OC Spray; includes Self Protection, Handcuffing, AutoLock, Friction Lock, Positive Lock Expandable or Rigid Straight Batons as taught by: The Police Training Council, Armor Training Academy, BAE Systems Product Group, ASP, and TASER
I have also trained in numerous other styles such as:
*Muay Thai
*(No-Gi) Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu/Submission Wrestling/Sambo
*Sil Lum Gung Fu
*Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu
*Koka and Iga Ryu-ha Shinobi-no-jutsu
Please visit the rest of my website. Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum.
Class Times - By Appointment Only, Saturday & Sunday from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
Price Per Class= $20.00, Price Per Person Seminar= $100.00.
Equipment Needed - Mouth Piece, Groin Protection, Sparring Gear, Mat Shoes or Martial Arts Shoes (Optional), Escrima Sticks, Practice Knives, Airsoft or Replica Plastic Guns
Clothing - Whatever Is Comfortable.
This profile was edited with mywickedspace.com Editor
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