I like science and tofu...I crush some fuckin' mice and soy.So, in case you didn't read my blog, this profile was created by my former roommates...against my wishes. I of course am now addicted. So, instead of living the lie that is the picture of me that BrandX and Booker created, I am ready to come clean. As I previously promised, I will not be removing anything that my heroes put on here...but I will add the truth. I hate Ryan Cabreara. And The Real World. I just want to be clear about that.
I do love me some science and tofu...and unfortunately I do crush some fuckin mice. I also have about a $150 a month chicken wing habit. With bleu cheese. And Stella.Take the quiz:
How Scientific are You?
Really Scientific
You are very logical, practical, and sensible. You believe in things that are scientifically proven, and think about facts more than opinions. To you, everything is science-based, you don't believe in the supernatural or the unexplained.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !