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You did it: you changed wild lament into whirling dance; and decked me with wildflowers. I'm about t

About Me

Am I true...Am I real...Am I alive...Am I in Love...Am I broken...Am I eternal...Am I blind...Am I striving...Am I free...Am I forgiving...Am I flying...Am I weeping...Am I cliché...Am I joyful...Am I?

My Interests

O living flame of love that tenderly wounds my soul in its deepest center! Since now you are not oppressive, now consummate! if it be your will: tear through the veil of this sweet encounter!O sweet cautery, O delightful wound! O gentle hand! O delicate touch that tastes of eternal life and pays every debt! In killing you changed death to life.O lamps of fire! in whose splendors the deep caverns of feeling, once obscure and blind, now give forth, so rarely, so exquisitely, both warmth and light to their Beloved.How gently and lovingly you wake in my heart, where in secret you dwell alone; and in your sweet breathing, filled with good and glory, how tenderly you swell my heart with love.-Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591)

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to have time enough to "meet" with those I love and have around me now! Ya that is for way sure! But if I had to daydream......ya...I miss my friends that live far away from me, I miss Jude, Em' and Adelyne and I'd like to meet with them more often. I miss all the Frutigs. And many others. I'd like to sit down with Jim Hockaday for a while. Thank you for Prayer and Healing school all those years. I'd like to trek through the jungles with David Hogan speaking Aztec! Contend for healing with Curry Blake and make it practical and real. I would like to find some "long lost" friends that I've not seen in years. If we've ever loved... I love you still...I would like to have met E.W. Kenyon, a hidden man of the heart. And visited with Smith W. and John Lake. Oh wait I know who I want to meet!!! My Bride!!! Ha!!!


Well it all began with Delirious?!! Thanks for not freakin out when we jumped you from behind the bushes in Tulsa!! I..'m listening to you right now! Every new cd carries with it months of d:boy memories. You..'ve been the sound track of my life thus far. Thanks for keeping it true. No band even comes close!!! Then I..'d have to say Jason Upton for sure has been using the .."Key of David.." to open doors for us, hope to see you at the Frutigs!! You have a beautiful family!! Come to Ludington soon!! I swear the beach on our side of the lake is better!! Then Tree63 for their sweet South African melodies, If you remember Plymouth Michigan ..'04 you..'ll know we are your biggest fans!! All nine of us!!! Your cover of .."Where the streets have no names.." was awesome!!! Misty Edwards!! I have wet my cheaks with your songs more than anyone. Your new album has not left my player in three weeks!! .."I Never Knew.." will always be my favorite though! You..'ve stolen Adam S. from us Ludingtonites so take good care of him! I Hope to soon be marraige proposal number 137!! Ah Kieth Green!!! Thank you for teaching me how to worship! When I hear (your) praises start! Melody your book keeps making its way into my backpack over and over again. Read .."No Compromise.." everyone, it..'s amazing. Ok .."UNITED.." you guys inspire me!! Half our worship sets are filled with your songs, and the whole church loves your songs. But they sometimes get frustrated with me though, for adding too many new .."United.." songs on Sundays, but you..'re the ones I..'m worshiping with all week so what can I do?!! You guys need a violinist though and we..'re sending you heaven..'s solution! Laura Kucera!!! Enjoy! Dang Darrel Evens...!! Not many pages left in your song book that haven..'t fallen out from use. Your words written to us are very treasured prophecies. Abe and I took your books home that night in Tulsa after Destiny church and worshiped through the night. As the neighbor complained the next morning, her husband came out and said .."You boys sure sounded good though, those were good songs....." Ha!!! .."How Deeply I Need You.." is my all time favorite song to play! Just ask Prayer and Praise church!!! Ya there are others like U2, thanks for getting the cops called on Henrik and I for Sunday Bloody Sunday!! And also Coldplay for many ambient adventures.... That..'s it for now... I..'ll add more later...

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I download alot of documentaries, figure if I can..'t muster the focus to read, I might as well learn something!! Krisi and I are addicted to Lost though, hopelessly.... We sit and stare at the downloader the whole time as it comes in cause we refuse to watch it on TV, with commercials and stuff!!! Ha!! Alias is another one we watch together!! And sometimes she..'ll get me to watch Gilmore Girls with her, dangit, all that witty banter!!!


OK.. Books books books!!!! I..'ll start with some I..'m reading now, then maybe into some that I..'ve actually finished, which is amazing cause I usually start 2-3 other books while I..'m reading the first one...Ha!!! Ok I..'m reading this awesome translation, CONCORDANT LITERAL NEW TESTAMENT, dang it is flipping me out!!! will give you an idea of what it..'s all about, o ya and check out for a sweet program that..'ll show you all the Greek and other great stuff... of coarse I..'m always using E-sword so download them as well, Some other translations I like include, The Jerusalem Bible, very smooth for the long stretches! Kenneth S. Wuest New Testament: An Expanded Translation, an awesome translation that is a lot like the Amplified, which I also like. There are a billion other translations that are great but these are the ones I read from the most. Ok books... Well I was looking through the attic one day when I was 15, and found an old copy of .."In the Name of Jesus.." by Kenneth Hagin and wept right there as I read the first pages, and so began my Rhema journey and had many similar experiences with other K.H. books. Especially noteworthy is, .."The Triumphant Church..", .."How To Be Led By The Holy Spirit..", .."The Art of Prayer..", .."Love: The Way to Victory”, and .."The Believer..'s Authority!!.." That then led me to E.W. Kenyon, whose books I..'ve been eating up lately!!! I..'ve carried his book .."In His Presence.." with me for years!! And now I..'m rarely w/out a Kenyon book in my bag!! .."The New Kind of Love.." was one of my recent faves... .."The Hidden Man of The Heart.." is one you should buy and duct tape the binding before you even open it ..'cause it..'s guaranteed to take a beating as you will never want to go any where with out this one!!! .."Advanced Bible Course - Studies in the Deeper Life.." has tons of great messages in it, I could teach out of here for a year and not run out!! Anyways check him out, he..'s really poetic, I like that. I was just thinkin..' one of my first devotional books was this .."World Changer.." devotional by Ron Luce I got at an Acquire the Fire conference, I remember I was reading that one when I first fell in love!!! Alright another life changing book was .."Eternity in Their Hearts.." by Don Richardson!!! All I can say is this book was like gasoline on a missionaries heart!!!! I also love to read after John G. Lake and any sermons or studies I can get my hands on. It seems like we could learn more from people who knew God and got results, rather than doctrine and theories. I really like Lake..'s sermon on .."Spiritual Hunger.." and .."The Science of the Human Spirit..." In like manner I also get happy reading Smith Wigglesworth, .."Only Believe!.." He was another man that cared little about his reputation and much about working the works! These guys are like hero status in my mind!! I promise I..'m leaving out a lot of books that are sweet, but there..'re a couple more I must mention. Henri J. M. Nouwen hasn..'t left my side for the last 9 months with his book, .."Clowning in Rome.." and .."The Way of the Heart..", I..'m very impressed with how much I..'ve learned from these and others of his. Solitude and Prayer are his major themes. I..'ve been using his quotes in almost every teaching at church lately and it has been very fruitful!! K.P. Yohannan is an awesome missions author I love as well, .."Revolution in World Missions.." and .."The Road to Reality.." are excellent books that I gobbled up super fast cause they were so interesting!! Jim Hockaday..'s books are all amazing and I..'ve seen him work these truths first hand and can..'t even put a price on how revolutionary he is. As for fictional it’s been a while, but I did read Gary Paulsen books when I was little, like “The Hatchet” and “The Winter Room.” I hope you find these books as splenderiffic as I did, a really good book is one in a thousand, so this might help in the search for truth!!! Enjoy!!!
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My Mom: I love our time together, isn't it amazing!! God is that good!! My Dad: I'm so proud to be your son!! Sisters!!! All three!!! Martin Zender, Rick Spencer, Dan Sheridan, L. Ray Smith, A.E. Knock, Henrik Lidman, Bob Wrasse, Steven Sparks, Kenneth Hagin, Jim Hockaday, E.W. Kenyon, Leonard Ravenhill, Martin Smith, Jason Upton, Lou Engle, David Hogan, Kieth Green, Hiedi Baker, Jack Frost, Curry Blake, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, Henri Nouwen and many more...These just spoke into my life intimatly above all others...

My Blog

A writer's picture of the soul's collective script, washed downstream...

Parchment&   Pointedly pressed with pen&   Ink marks down its' every intention&                  &nbs...
Posted by Lars on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 02:07:00 PST

A lovers response from worship!!!!!!!!!!!

Kiss me!   Kiss me with the kisses of Your mouth!   Kissing me!      Despite my tears!   Kissing me!      Despite my shame!...
Posted by Lars on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 01:06:00 PST

First words...

First words written& I don't know what to say! What am I doing on this website? I can thank my sister and Laura for that& I picked my prettiest pictures& How do I want to be seen& I can't even b...
Posted by Lars on Sun, 22 Jan 2006 06:13:00 PST