I love what I do and am glad to have found so many things in life to be passionate about. I am stubborn and strong-willed, but I'd like to think that its gotten me where I am thus far. I currently live and work in Gramecy park. I moved to NYC to work in the fashion industry. About 4 years ago, after working with another designer, she fired me and said that I was ready to start on my own. Since then its been an interesting ride, one of which is on the up and my hard work is paying off. In my offtime (which is hardly ever) I try and spend as much time with my family and the love of my life whom I hope to have a traveling circus with in the next 6 months.... I also have a quiet obsession with dinner parties, and certainly dont have them enough. I secretly wanna be a rock star but I was not blessed with vocal cords to take me there.