*I LoVe.... Spaz(my kitty),sweet kisses, spikey hair, smiles, smokin weed, flip flops, dancing, happy people, warm weather, days off, my family, drinking party balls in one day just the 4 of us, going to plays and concerts, glow sticks, parties in NeW orLeans, surprises, a clean room, makin cookies, my homies, listening to music, randomly sayin WhO iT iA, free money when your totally broke, people who know what PLUR means, birth control, sloppy joes, having all the bills paid, true friends, french toast with peanut butter and syrup, puppies, beer salt and Corona,new haircuts, honest people, meeting new people, and laughing my aSS of at stupid things!!!
* i HaTe.. stupid people, the car breaking down, no rides to walmart,the smell of an ashtray, people who say it doesn't hurt to get your tounge pierced, looking for a lighter, burning cookies and having them look like pancakes, homework, the police violating peoples rights, flat tires, boring sex, little wee wees, hoes that can't keep their hands to themselves, the StarKvegas whooping CoUgH (haha), people bitching at you for randomly sayin who it ia, friends who lie for no reason, posers, and lies when your already caught!!!!!
I would like to meet any new person... i love meeting new people!! it is always fun to meet famous people.. just so you can say "i met so and so" hehehe I love meeting people who show you who they really are right when you meet them and don't put up a front. I dont like lame people or fakebitches!
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I love every kind of music there is!!!!!
♥ RaP
♥ TeChNo
♥ cOuNtRy
♥ aLtErNaTiVe
♥ RoCk
♥ oLdiEs
♥ rEgAe
♥ and anything else i left out
Drop Dead Fred is my favorite movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't really have time for tv anymore cause i am either workin or hangin out with my friends... but i do like king of queens, aqua teen, family guy, robot chicken, law and order....
this should say magazines!!!! the only books i read are books i have to besides "The Lovely Bones" but the one thing i love to read the most is a magazine!!! CoSmO BaBy!!!!!!
♥ Everyone who has found who they are are my heroes because that is the ultimate challenge!!! Stand on your own 2 feet and let yourself take you where you belong!! ♥