R@quel profile picture


Crikey! The World Just Got a Little Bit Darker...

About Me

Lemme see. Hmmm... What should I write here?A) I am a huge Metallica fan. Metallica haters need not apply. B) I run an all-female Metallica fan community: Metallichicks.com. C) I'm married, and I love my husband. D) I'm a conservative. E) I'm Christian. I go to church every Sunday with my Metallica stickers displayed prominently on my back window.That's all you really have to know :)

My Interests

Metallica, Guns N Roses, AC/DC, James Hetfield (AKA The Sexiest Man on Earth), Pantera, Led Zeppelin

Heavy Metal is EVIL!!!! At least according to Barbara Walters.

Part 1

Part 2

I'd like to meet:

James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Kirk Hammett, Rob Trujillo, Jason Newsted, Cliff Burton (RIP), Dave Coulier from Full House


Metallica!Metallichicks.com Metallica Music Video Codes Music Video Codes by ..


Some Kind of Monster, Bonnie and Clyde, Minority Report


Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Bevis and Butthead (heh heh), Full House


James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Kirk Hammett, Rob Trujillo, Jason Newsted, Cliff Burton, Michael Savage, Dave Coulier from Full House