Seth Mcfarlene, chris FarleyR.I.P, Tim burton, Quention Tarrentino and the list goes on. But most of all I want to meet positive people that just like to hang out. People with the same intrest and people with dedication cause maby it could rub off on me :p...
Lost but not forgotten:The days pass with contemplation on a life you take for granit. The people you've known, the experiences that are made. We look past the good things in life and dwell on the bad. Finding obstacles in our way we strive on others for help. Material objects spoil our minds to thinking the simple things in life are boring, uncool or just not enough. Addictions, passions and disorders distort our reutin and change our beliefs. Families get torn apart , friendships end and life itself changes.Chaos, tradgities and war make times helpless . But the way of the world brings something good in everything. New friendships form, new familys get brought to life, new experiences happen. We are all in the cycle of life , the way we believe , the choices that are made , the love that we share . We will all be gone someday but one things fore sure, no one will be forgotten.....
Christian Matthew Vega , will always be in our hearts.