♥ nAME-->>>Brittony B. aka Toni or Tone
EdUcatiOn sTats-->> HigH sChOOl GrAduaTe...College drOpOut
Until aFter The bIRth OF My CHild....Been ThrOugh aLot So
I am VERY detERminED!!! uSed to CaRE bOUT WhAT othErs thouGht of me, No longer care... why??? caUse I'm HAPpy
anD i'M NOt lOSin sleep oveR nOthin!!
ReLaTionShip sTats== IN LOVE!!!!
HE IS WHAT I WOULD LIKE 2 CALL ONE OF MY BESTFRIENDS, i'm soo comfortable around him,yep the feelings mutual and
together we can take over the world lol!!!
gUys please STOP tryin to get with me!!!!
I'm TONE your typical southern b.e.l.l.e ♥
[I]'[M] [H][A][P][P][I][L][Y] [T][A][K][E][N]
Glitter Graphics
I want you to know how much I truly appreciate everything that you do for me and. In all the risks you take for me t already shows a lot of effort towards...YOU + ME.
I don't know where I would be without you, because when I met you I was going throught a hell of alot and anytime no matter what time I called you were always there to listen, you would drop whatever was going on just to come rescue me from what was bothering me.
Since day one you have been so very loyal to me and my every need and I want to thank you. just in case you see yourself as anything but wonderful, I'm here to tell you that you are more than WONDERFUL to me!!The greatest feeling in the world is to be around someone who who wants to hold you ; wants to kiss your forehead ; wants to be around you.. wants to call you at night ; wants to see you smile. but whats better than that is finding someone that does it all, cuz he wants to see u happy...thank GOD I've already found em...
I got this layout from SnazzySpace.com .