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and my AIM is rainisthenewsun as well, so if you need someone to talk to i'm online a LOT.
Well let's go back to the middle of the day that starts it all,
I can't begin to let you know just what I'm feelin'.
And now the red ones make me fly,
And the blue ones help me fall,
And I think I'll blow my brains against the ceiling.
And as the fragments of my skull begin to fall,
Fall on your tongue like pixie dust just think happy thoughts

Last night I had the chance to sit down with Gerard Way. He is the singer of the band My Chemical Romance. I figured I'd throw some questions in that were "off-topic" just to keep things fun and interesting. All of the interviews I've done so far have been TOO similar for my liking. I like things to not be redundant. I like variety, however I could only think of a couple funny/off-topic questions. So in this case I asked my girlfriend Amy to write a couple funny questions up. So without more babbling from myself here is the interview:
Mike(corrosivemind): In what way was recording the new album (Three Cheers For sweet Revenge) different then recording your first album(I Brought You The Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love)?
Gerard Way(singer of My Chemical Romance): We had a lot more time to do it. We had a lot more time to write it and we got to develop as a band, really find out who we were before we made another record. On this first record we had only been a band for 3 months. Mike: What is the craziest moment/experience you've had while on tour?
Gerard: Craziest thing that ever happened to me was being attacked by a black bird. It pecked the shit out of my head. We were at this hotel called The Phoenix in San Francisco. We were leaving to go to a show the next morning and the bird just fuckin' attacked my head. And the next day Slipknot were there, they were coming in as we were leaving, and they got attacked by birds too.
Mike: What would you be doing right now if you weren't in My Chemical Romance?
Gerard: Realistically I'd most likely be working a really crappy job at a bookstore or something. If I wanted to be optimistic about it I'd have to say I'd be doing something involved with art.
Mike: Who or what inspired you to become a singer?
Gerard: Well it started really young with Bruce Dickinson(Iron Maiden). He really inspired me 'cause he's a great frontman, a great singer and I've always been influenced by the way he sang. Also, obviously, Jeff from Thursday inspired me as a person to just get up and do that. I've been a fan of music and I've always wanted to be in a band. I just never had the urge to be a frontman until I saw him do it. I was like "You know what? It just seems so incredible and it seems like he's actually making a difference and he was doing something." Right at that moment is when I knew I would do it.
Mike: What's your favorite venue to play right now?
Gerard: Uh, that's really tough. I guess I'd say the Metro, yea, The Metro in Chicago.
Mike: Who is your favorite band at the moment?
Gerard: My favorite band at the moment is the Dresden Dolls, they're from Boston. It's a guy and a girl. She plays piano and he plays the drums and she also sings. You can find them on the web they're incredible.
Mike: What band or bands would you like to tour with and why?
Gerard: We just got a tour with Face To Face it's their "farewell tour." And it's such an honor cause we've always wanted to tour with them and to get offered their "farewell tour" is just amazing. Iron Maiden is obviously another band I'd love to tour with as well.
Mike: I'm going to ask a few not-so-usual questions, kind of funny. Also kind of wierd and feel free to answer if you'd like, if you don't wish to answer just say it that's all okay?
Gerard: Alright, cool man go for it.
Mike: Okay, what celebrity or band do you hate the most and why?
Gerard: Well I don't really hate any band and I know it's kind of avoiding the question and not shit talk but no I really don't hate any bands. Celebrity that may be a little easier. I guess it'd have to be some one really annoying. Mike: Kind of like Carrot Top?
Gerard: Carrot Top is a really good one. I kinda feel bad for him though. Same thing with Pauly Shore so you really can't say that about him either. You can't help but feel sorry for them both.
Mike: How long have you gone without showering while on tour?
Gerard: About a week. If you go longer then a week you might as well not even leave the hotel. Not even bother to play, it just starts to smell so bad.
Mike: Have you ever let a guy grab your ass and enjoyed it?
Gerard: Um, lots of people grab my ass. I'm actually starting to get this thing now where people grab my package. That actually happened once in Boston, it usually doesn't happen. We went over to England and it happened at almost every show. I don't really enjoy any kind of invasion of privacy like that I guess. Just the moment you're on stage it doesn't phase you or bother you too much though. Grabbin my package is obviously a total invasion of privacy I'm not into that at all. Grabbing my butt I guess if it were a guy I'd enjoy it. I mean, I guess it all depends on how he grabbed my butt too.
Mike: Who's the celebrity you would want to have sex with the most and why?
Gerard: The Queen of England(laughing)
Mike: Who in the band gets the most ladies?
Gerard: Uh, we're not really a lady-band. Ray is really the only single one. So I guess ray would be getting all the ladies.
Mike: If you could have sex with Paris Hilton, would you film it?
Gerard: Uh, no I wouldn't want anyone to know I did that.
Mike: Hypothetically, if you were to hook up with(kiss) any male celebrity who would it be?
Gerard: I guess I'd say Tobey Maguire, just 'cause he's Spider-Man.
Interview number 2
Other than being able to sit down for interviews with wonderful people like us, what does being on the Warped Tour mean to you?
Frank: Oh wow! Personally, ever since I was in bands at thirteen I tried to do battle of the bands... play Warped Tour and things like that. I never actually won any of the battle of the bands but it's a dream come true to be on Warped. It really is! It's unlike any other tour we've been on and you can't prepare for it in any way. But it's definitely a dream come true to play with some of my favorite bands of all time.
Seeing as though it's Warped's ten year anniversary, give us some insight as to the kind of kid you were when you were ten.
Frank: Asshole. I was such an asshole! Uhhh Delinquent. I was told I was too intelligent for my own good but I don't know about that. I didn't like authority and this was at ten!
Gerard: Tell me what has changed?
Frank: She just said ten, she didn't say now! But I could give you the same answer; you never know!
Gerard: I didn't want to say anything.
Frank: I was pretty much like I am today but I wish I knew now what I knew then. Does that make sense?
Gerard: I liked Star Wars when I was ten.
Do you still today?
Gerard: Oh yeah.
There's a rumor circulating around that My Chemical Romance is the love child of the Warped tour...
Gerard, Mikey and Frank in unison: Whoa! Wow!
Gerard: We are loved.
Frank: But what does that mean, that the Warped Tour and another tour got together and had...
Gerard: Yeah like Ozzfest and Demolition Derby got together and... but yeah, I feel it. We are extremely accepted and supported and loved so...
Frank: But I almost got shot the other night though. [He says this almost nonchalantly as if it's a frequent occurence.]
Shot? As in shot, shot?
Frank: Pellet gun shot.
Why would someone want to shoot you?
Frank: Oh, I wasn't allowed in a certain VIP barbecue that I wanted in to.
Mikey: Chris was like, "just go up and tell them my name and you'll get in" and the guy was like, "who?"
Frank: And he was like "I'll shoot you." [Forms a gun with his hand and points it at me.] But as far as a lot of the bands on this tour, they really respect us and it's great because we really respect the bands. They come to watch us all the time and it's been amazing.
Gerard: We're very lucky. We feel lucky everyday when some of our favorite bands make time out of their day to come and watch us. And they do that everyday.
Frank: The other day, well not yesterday but the day before, we closed and it was really late like 8:10 to 8:40 and we didn't think anybody was going to come to watch us. But it was all of our favorite bands, like the Souls (Bouncing Souls) came out, Anti-Flag came out... It's a beautiful tour!
Gerard: It made me proud.
Kinda like what happened today?
Frank: Oh yeah! That was amazing!
What happened anyway?
Frank: All the power went out; the generator exploded.
Gerard: It just went out yeah.
Frank: It has never happened to us, ever.
The response was incredible.
Frank: We traded a great set for a great experience.
Gerard: Exactly!
*Note: Earlier that day in mid-performance, My Chem lost all sound just as they began to play their hit song "I'm Not Okay." Instead of walking off and calling it a day, the band and the crowd began to sing the song accapela. It was quite impressive to watch the dedication and love that their fans have towards them.
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge is a very strong title. Whose concept was it and is the band afraid of karma?
Gerard: Is the band afraid of karma?!
Frank: See here's the thing... [Turns to Gerard] Before you say anything... think about what you were going to say because I want to say something about karma.
Mikey: I think the album is a product of good karma. I think we've done good things for people and I think that what occurs from the album can only be good. We've never done anything wrong to anybody. Revenge is meant in a different sense, not in the literal sense. You know?
Frank: Here's the thing about karma. 'Oh if you don't do this,' something bad is going to happen but who's the one striking down on people? Somebody needs to do that. So if we're the ones to serve the revenge that's fine by me. Maybe we're just the angels of death?
Gerard: Now it feels like when we play, we have a purpose. There hasn't been a moment... once in a while you get a little depressed, caught up in something else, but we feel like we have purpose every time we play to do some kind of damage. Not really to ourselves or to the equipment or anything but to what's generally accepted as okay. Like chewing up and spitting up the same bullshit, sounding like everybody else, being homophobic, all these things that are very accepted in punk rock that are amazingly still alive and well. It's fucking shocking...
Frank: People never cease to amaze us.
Gerard: ...and it doesn't feel like a threat to those bands you know. Really close friends of ours have said that and it's probably the best compliment that I've ever gotten for the band, that we were a threat. Ever since hearing that, I take it to heart everytime we get on stage.
In 'To The End', why does the elevator only go up to ten and would you feel okay getting off on the thirteen floor?
Gerard: Well, I felt that picking a lower number would be like 'I can't get high enough' so I had to pick somewhere around ten. I felt like I just needed to get higher; like the top just isn't good enough. I think that's kind of a metaphor in how we feel and how we operate as a band, that the top isn't good enough since that's not what we're after. It's not good enough for us because we want to make a difference and actually change things. We don't just want things thrown at us. But I've gotten off on thirteenth floors. They make them right?
I know someone that lives on the thirteenth floor.
Gerard: You do?
I truly do.
Frank: It's good luck.
I think so.
Frank: I think it's good luck.
Gerard: I'm superstitious though.
When you listen to a CD you need something to reference it to. When I listen to MCR, your sound changes from one song to the next and I hear a whole slew of things. Was this done deliberately?
Gerard: We can't really write songs that sound alike. We like to capture moods and you can definitely pinpoint those moods. You can say this is the same kind of mood or feel. We like to explore themes and moods but style is something we can't live with ourselves doing over and over. And if that means we run out of material eventually then that's fine because you'll never get something twice from us.
When I read some of the lyrics the main theme of the CD seems to be about death or the end of something... That accurate?
Gerard: Yeah. The record started as a concept record and ended up being more about loss than anything and that had a lot to do with me and Mikey losing our grandma in November. It changed everything and we were just about to finish writing the record. So I reevaluated what I was going to write lyrically. I didn't intend on it. I actually didn't even reevaluate it, I just said, "well, let me just write from the heart" and in the end, listening to the record, I was like 'wow this record is really about loss.' It took me a couple listens to really get the scope of the record and to realize that it was really that blatantly about loss and death throughout almost every song. But I think death is something that we'll always write about because it's both tragic, negative and beautiful at the same time. It's very beautiful and it can be a very positive thing.
If you could come back after death to "put the wrong things right" what would you most likely need to fix up?
Frank: So if we were to die today?
Yeah in like an hour.
Frank: I don't know.
Gerard: Let's say the whole band died, we'd just get back together and start playing again!
[everyone laughs]
You'd find each other.
Gerard: Yeah, I think that's what we'd do because this feels like our purpose. You know, it seems like our cause.
Frank: We're definitely not done yet!
Gerard: Yeah, if we died I feel like we would find each other and just start over.
Do you think writing in the first person makes you more vulnerable?
Gerard: Umm... sometimes. I was always worried it was going to make me an egomaniac. I was more worried about that, but then I realized that the way I ended up writing is just more I, I, I, instead of a you and a we. When I say "I" I usually mean the band. I usually mean it in a way that I think that these guys are feeling it at the same time without saying we. [turns to Frank and Mikey] Don't you feel that way? Like when we're on stage and they're singing with me, I feel like they mean it the same way.
Frank: It's a more definite thing, more urgent.
Gerard: Yeah.
You're in a karaoke bar and you've had too much sake. What song...
[Frank turns to Gerard] I know what you're going to say! you sing and do you totally rock it or do you totally kill it?
Frank: He rocks the shit out of it! Totally Bon Jovi!
Gerard: Bon Jovi... 'Living On A Prayer.' It's funny because a lot of people give me shit when we go to karaoke because I won't do it.
Gerard: Yeah. I'm terrified of karaoke unless I'm wasted! That's the only way I can do karaoke.
You can go on stage and perform for a whole bunch of people...
[Gerard shrugs as if to say that he doesn't understand it either]
Frank: It's funny because it's rare that we would be out and not wasted.
Gerard: Yeah, yeah, that's true. [to Frank] What would you sing?
Frank: I have been known to do 'I Got You Babe' with a friend of mine, Greg Southside and we do the shit out it! We've been kicked out of bars because we did it so well. But Ray would like to sing probably 'Only The Good Die Young'.
Gerard: By Billy Joel.
In 'You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison' the main character is made to do pushups in drag. If you were forced to so something in drag, what would you choose to do?
Gerard: Karate.
[everyone breaks out in laughter]
Frank: I liked the "if you were forced, what would you choose to do."
Gerard: It's like the drag fairy comes by and says "what would you like to do?" Ahhmm yeah, karate.
Frank: Really?
Gerard: No. Really, I would do what I did when I dressed in drag this one time before. I went to school in drag, in art school and my day was completely different because everybody thought I was a chick.
Frank: He looked like Christina Ricci.
Gerard: You should see me as a chick. So I went as a girl, as like an experiment and it worked really well and everyone was really nice to me but I couldn't talk obviously... You know train conductors were really cool to me on my commute...
Frank: I would date Gerard.
Gerard: HA! I looked hot as a chick.
Which of your band mates is most likely to accidentally stick a fork in a toaster...
Frank: Mikey.
...and who would yell 'Hey! It's still plugged in!'
Mikey: That would be me.
Gerard: I would definitely be the one yelling. I think we're all very protective of Mikey for things like sticking forks in toasters.
Frank: It's funny because when we were recording, me and Mikey lived together and I would go to Gerard after and be like, "I can't believe he did this today."
Mikey: Yeah, I would leave the tea on overnight.
Frank: God forbid that kid ever lives alone!
Gerard: He had to promise he would watch him because he likes to do this thing where he'll take a heater into the shower and plug it in...
Frank: Oh god!
Gerard: ...and there's water everywhere!
Mikey: I did that one time...
Gerard: What about the times with the radio?
Mikey: ...and I was pretty warm when I did it though.
You are offered something for free. Which do you choose? Sky diving lessons, a custom tattoo, a lap dance from an exotic dancer or 50 free sun tanning sessions?
Gerard: Oh the lap dance!
Frank: The tattoo.
Mikey: What were they again?
[Everyone helps little Mikey out]
Mikey: I guess the tattoo.
Frank: I knew it! Which is funny because you don't have any.
Gerard: You would see what you could get and trade it for money.
Seeing as this is an electoral year, which person on the Warped Tour would you choose to run the country and why would they get your vote?
Gerard: Fat Mike.
Frank: ..2 from Anti-Flag. That kid can rally.
Gerard: Can they run together?
Frank: Sure.
The Velvet Bag of Doom:
First up is Frank who pulls fill in the blanks from the bag.
Caution! Do not put _____ anywhere close to me!
Frank: Our drummer.
Oh no! I didn't pack _________
Frank: Enough underwear.
If I was ever to miss the bus, I would ________
Frank: Stay home.
Mikey's up next and he pulls word association. First thing that comes to mind.
Video games
Mikey: Mario
Mikey: September
Jack Daniels
Mikey: Uh. Coca Cola
Mikey: I don't know!
Gerard: Not even a bare ass?
Mikey: No.
Gerard pulls 'name the band associated to the lyric'
"And you will tell all your friends you've got your gun to my head"
Gerard: We can do another one because I've sang that one with Taking Back Sunday on stage.
Okay then, round two is a word association again... First thing that comes to mind.Warped Tour
Gerard: Hot
Gerard: Nice
Gerard: Stinky
Plastic Surgery
Gerard: Awful
Why should the world give a damn about My Chemical Romance?
Gerard: Because we give a damn about it.
Frank: Save your life.
Gerard: Yeah. Good enough for me. And there are so few people that actually do give a damn about the world.
Frank: Yeah.
Very true.
Gerard: I have a nihilistic attitude so it's like, the new's popular. You know what I mean?
Frank: Popsicle is the new black.
Gerard: What did I say? Oh yeah. Screaming is the new gay, everybody's doing it.
Frank: I wish it were Popsicle.
Gerard: Popsicles?
Frank: Popsicles should be the new black and then everyone would have one.


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by Stacy Lee
by Marissa Legay

My Interests

New Jersey's My Chemical Romance deliver tightly-wound aggression in melodious ways. Their hyper, scream-drenched choruses and metal-flicked guitar lines call to mind similar New Jersey-ites Thursday, but MCR's therapy session alt rock defines its own space. Singer-songwriter Gerard Way ties up all of his disparate influences (Iron Maiden, the Smiths) into one cohesive, explosive whole.

Gerard Arthur Way (born April 9, 1977) of Newark, New Jersey (later of Belleville, New Jersey) is frontman and co-founder of the band My Chemical Romance, in which his brother Mikey Way plays bass.Way played in a band until his early teens, at which time he decided to turn toward the graphic arts. After graduating from high school in 1995, he attended School of Visual Arts in New York City graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 1999. In 2001, Way says he tried to sell an animated television series to the Cartoon Network[1] called The Breakfast Monkey.[2] He maintains that Cartoon Network turned down the pitch because it was too similar to Aqua Teen Hunger Force, then already in production.[3]Way was discouraged by the failure of his cartoon concept. As a resident of New York City, the 9/11 attacks affected Way deeply. Wanting to move his life in a new direction, he found himself motivated to form My Chemical Romance.The name came from a book written by Irvine Welsh called "Ecstasy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance". The band's name was suggested by Mikey Way. Gerard brought together Ray Toro, Matt Pelissier, Frank Iero, and his brother Mikey to play gigs along the East Coast. The band soon released its first album, I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love. Music turned out to be an effective means for Way (the band's lead singer and primary songwriter) to deal with his longtime battle against depression, alcoholism, and prescription drug abuse, leading to deeply personal songs such as "Helena"[4] (written after the death of his grandmother, Elena Lee Rush).Despite his success as a musician, Way has not left his drawing behind: He drew all of the art on the band's second album, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge.

Frank Anthony Iero (born 1981-10-31) is the rhythm guitarist and a backup vocalist (or screamer) for the band My Chemical Romance. He was recruited to fill out the band's sound when his own band, Pencey Prep, broke up.[1] Iero grew up in Belleville, New Jersey. In addition to Pencey Prep, Iero played with Hybrid, Sector 12, and briefly with I Am A Graveyard.[2] Frank Iero used to suffer from Epstein-Barr virus and battled bronchitis throughout his childhood.[3] He has suffered from a nasty case of mono and has many lacerations to his head, hands, and knees. He is 5 feet and 4 inches tall.[4] He attends many interviews at MuchMusic (the Canadian music video channel) with the rest of the band. Frank is now engaged to his high school sweetheart Jamia. They are both the CEO's of The Skeleton Crew, a clothing company, a music label, and also a publisher.

Michael James Way (born 1980-09-10), most commonly known as Mikey Way (or Mike Way), is the bass guitarist for the band My Chemical Romance and the brother of frontman Gerard Way. Mikey was born in Newark, New Jersey but grew up in Belleville, New Jersey.[1] He coined the band's name when he reshelved the book Ecstacy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance, by Irvine Welsh, while working at a Barnes and Noble.[2] Mikey learned to play bass in order to be able to play in the band, which lacked a bassist at the time

Raymond "Ray" Toro (born 1977-07-15 in Kearny, New Jersey) plays lead guitar and sings backup vocals for My Chemical Romance. Ray is easily recognized by his ginormous afro. His height is about 6'1. Ray was born Raymond Toro-Ortiz. According to some bandmembers, he has "a hell of a temper". He doesn't listen to any modern rock in My Chemical Romance's genre because he doesn't want anyone to influence his style. He has a guitar burn much like a rug burn. He also has a large gash in his head caused by getting cracked in the head with Frank's Guitar. He also enjoys video games such as the MMORPG (Massives Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) World of Warcraft in his spare time. Ray has a girlfriend named Christa.

Robert "Bob" Bryar (born 1979-12-31) is the drummer for My Chemical Romance. Born in Chicago, Illinois, he joined the band in 2004 while working as a sound engineer for The Used, through whom he became friends with the members of My Chemical Romance. He replaced Matt Pelissier when Matt was fired. Bob loves cats. He Always wanted to be a drummer in a band and when he met my chemical romance his dreams came true.

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First Name: Gerard
Middle name: Arthur
Last Name: Way
Home Town: Newark, New Jersey
Birthday: April, 9th 1977
Sign: Aries
Eyes: Hazel
Piercings: NONE, He's afraid of needles.
Band Role: Vocals, Lyrics
Fav. Bands: Iron Maiden, The Cure, Morrisey, & The Misfits
He used to be a little bit heavier weight wise.
Gerard Founded MCR with original drummer Matt Pelisser.
He doesn't like physical work.(manual labor)
He was going to be a cartoon artist.
He went to Art School in New York.
He once worked as a a cart boy/bagger at a Grocery store.
He smokes.
His mothers name is Donna.
He thinks that Brody Dalle from the distillers is HOT!
He claims he is not Goth but that MCR being labelled Goth is because of the song Vampires Will Never Hurt You.
His fathers name is Donald.
He is 1/2 Scottish (fathers side) and 1/2 Italian (mothers side).
He loves the issue of X-Men that Wolverine is being crucified to a wooden "X".
His favourite X-Men charector is Wolverine.
He loves theatre.
He also loves David Bowie
His cartoon was named "The Breakfast Monkey"
He is very heavily infulenced by Iron Maiden.
He does take off the make up when he's not on stage.
He thinks of MCR as charectors or a "gang"
He says the reason for wearing so much black and red is because, to him those are the colors of a funeral.
Red and Black are also the MCR "gangs" colors, or so Gerard says.
He designed a shirt for for the band Thursday.
He is obsessed with death, and has been since he realized everyone has to die and everyone will die alone when, he realizes that at 8yrs old.
He is still in therapy and loves it!
His dream car is a Red Corvette liscenced plated "KNIVES" (I love corvettes but ZO6 only)
He has had many "spooky" expiriences with Quijia boards.
He learned how to Draw, Sing, and Perform from his grandmother Elena.
He plays guitar.
He smokes Marlboro Red Cigarettes.
Nipple rings freak him out!ANOTHER GERARD WAY BIO:
Gerard Arthur Way was born in NewWark, New Jersey on April 9, 1977. Hes the lead singer in the band My Chemical Romance ( by the way that band rocks!)He has 1 brother named Mikey Way who plays bass in the band. He went to a visual arts school for comic book illustration. He decided to form the band shortly after the Septmber 11 attacks. He say ......" I just woke up one morning and said Fuck art!......" His first album was ......"I Brought You my bullets, You Brought me your love......". There most reasont album was ......"Three Cheers for sweet revenge......", which featured the two hit singles ......"Helena......" ( a song dedicated to Gerard......'s grandmother) and ......"I......'m not Okay......"( A popy self help song ). In the early years of touring Gerard suffered from major depression, addictions to crack, alchol, Xananx. But with help from his therapists he was able to go cold turkey on alchol and drugs. He even thanks his therapists in his new album ......"Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge......".

First Name:FrankMiddle Name:AnthonyLast Name:IeroBirthdate:October 31st, 1981Sign:ScorpioHeight:Around 5"7'Eyes:HazelAge:23Hometown:Belleville, New JerseyFavorite Bands:Beastie Boys, The Bouncing Souls, and American NightmareIf he was stuck on an island and could have one thing, he says it would be the Harry Potter booksFrank SmokesFrank has 3 dogsHe is also known as Frankie

Based in New Jersey, My Chemical Romance is an alternative pop/rock and punk-pop band that has been compared to Thursday and, to a lesser degree, Cursive. Many of their songs are loud, fast, hyper, and aggressive, but My Chemical Romance's work also tends to be melodic and pop-minded. My Chemical Romance got started in the early 2000s, when lead singer Gerard Way and drummer Matt Pelissier decided to try writing some songs together. The first tune that Way and Pelissier -- who had been friends since high school -- came up with was called "Skylines and Turnstiles" (a title reflecting the fact that Way had been working in New York City, where he was in the animation field). Way and Pelissier both felt good about the song, and Way asked guitarist Ray Toto if he would be interested in working with them. My Chemical Romance's five-man lineup was complete when Way, Pelissier, and Toto joined forces with bassist Mikey Way (Gerard Way's brother) and guitarist Frank Iero. With that lineup in place, the band started playing all around the Northeast Corridor and made plans to begin working on its first album.In 2002, Eyeball Records (the New York-based indie that Thursday had recorded for) released My Chemical Romance's debut album, I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love. The album was often compared to Thursday -- a comparison that, for various reasons, was inevitable and unavoidable. Both bands were from New Jersey, both had recorded for Eyeball, and both combined punk-pop's musical aggression with introspective, confessional lyrics. Plus, I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love was produced by Geoff Rickly, Thursday's lead singer -- add all of those things up, and there was no way that My Chemical Romance was going to escape Thursday comparisons. But Thursday isn't their only influence; reviewers have cited the Smiths, Morrissey, the Cure, and the Misfits as influences. And Way has even cited British heavy metal icons Iron Maiden as an influence.Lyrically, I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love is as dark as it is introspective and cathartic; Way has been quoted as saying that the band's lyrics were a great way for him to deal with the problems he had been going through (which included severe depression and a serious illness in his family). The 2002 release included Way and Pelissier's first song, "Skylines and Turnstiles," and many of the album's other song titles were equally intriguing, including "Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough for the Two of Us," "Drowning Lessons," "Headfirst for Halos," "Our Lady of Sorrows," and "Vampires Will Never Hurt You." In 2003, My Chemical Romance signed with Reprise/Warner Bros.; a second album was planned for 2004. ~ Alex Henderson, All Music Guide

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Posted by MCR FANBASE on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 05:59:00 PST


Posted by MCR FANBASE on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 02:56:00 PST