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. . About You . .My son just graduted high school with honors,was accepted to VCU & Longwood University,both bein here in VA.He made mama proud though I think he is gonna put school off for a year,works for me:)He wants to major in Political Science:) *
Eye Color:: Cat Eyez
Hair Color:: dark blonde
Height:: 5'6
Favorite Color:: Teal Green & Pink
Screen Name:: Breeze
Favorite Band:: Daughtry&Nickelback,VanHalen~Rock It Out Eddie~!
Favorite Movie:: Million Dollar Baby,I Am Legend & Purple Rain
Favorite Show:: E.R.
Your Car:: Vette
Your Hometown:: whereever I lay my head:)
Your Present Town:: Central Va.
Your Crushes First Name:: Howard
Your Grade:: graduated from high school and certified in Child Care
Your Style:: whatever looks the best on me at that time
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: No
Kissed someone in the rain?: Yes,actually it was a snowy night at a bus stop
Danced in a public place?: Well yeah:)
Smiled for no reason?: Yes
Laughed so hard you cried?: Once or twice
Peed your pants after age 8?: No way
Written a song?: No
Sang to someone for no reason?: probably have in the past
Performed on a stage?: Yes, used to play the Viola
Talked to someone you don't know?: Yes
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: Yes. I try to treat others the way I want to be treated
Made out in a theatre?: Probably at Purple
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: Yes,with my brother,son and niece in Staunton,VA.
Been in love?: Yes
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: customer at work.
Tell you, I love you?: Janet
Kiss you?: David
Hug you?: Robert Jordan from elementary school up to graduation:)
Tell you BYE?: Jeremy
Write you a note?: Sierra
Take your photo?: My 2nd mom,Margie.
Call your cell phone?: My Boo
Buy you something?: My Mom
Go with you to the movies?: My son and second mom
Sing to you?: Jeremy
Write a poem about you?: N/A
Text message you?: Jeremy
Touch you?: David
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: At Jeremy 7 at Cheaper By The Dozen:)
Time you cried?: loss of my father
Movie you watched?: Million DollarBaby,BackWoods,Taking Lives with Angelina Jolie
Joke you told?: Knock,who's there?Ilene,Ilene who?I lean over and you kiss my ( l )!
Song you've sang?: Leona Lewis' Cut Me Open:)Dare You to Move (SwitchFoot)
Time you've looked at the clock?: Every 20 Minutes
Drink you've had?: had a new Fruitista Freeze from Taco Bell,I got strawberry and it was some kinda good!It was 100 degrees today:(
Number you've dialed?: 281-330-8004
Book you've read?:
Food you've eaten?: PB&J sandwich.
Flavor of gum chewed?: Bubbalicuos,Twisted Tornado flavor ,it was a lite blue in color ~it was right kewl~
Shoes you've worn?: My white Crocs
Store you've been in?: Roses
Thing you've said?: Is Bubbalicuos spelled right?
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: ambidextrious I am
Whistle?: Yes
Blow a bubble?: Yes
Roll your tongue in a circle?: Yes
Cross your eyes?: Yes
Touch your tounge to your nose?: Yes
Dance?: Yes,if my back aint botherin' me..
Gleek?: No
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Yes
Speak a different language?: Kind Of
Impersonate someone?: No
Prank call people?: in my wilder yrs. yes
Make a card pyramid?: Yes
Cook anything?: some chicken & rice
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: Ray of Sunshine
I wish ...: for a suitcase full of money
So many people don't know that ...: I'm compulsive
I am ...: a lover not a fighter
My heart is ...: on my sleeve
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My Interests

My Interests My Family & Friends,NASCARWooHoooooo!,Go&# 24,Who's da Man?~lol~,My Mean Ass Dog Hunter(half pitt bull/labrador retriever)Ridin' locomotions:)Sunshine & Swimming,Music,Tattoos,(I have 3,big tiger on left shoulder:)),American Idol is a must for me!Thunderstorms& Scary Movies,The UFC, lovin the MMA(Mixed Martial Arts,intense but exciting,find myself watching it alot lately. Used to watch WWE alot,would rather watch a real fight,though I really like the WWE,80% of it is a soap Very curious about the Paranormal&Witchcraft,Love me some animals(tigers & polar bears are my favs)nething that is PINK or animal print& luvin some chilled cherry coke:)I love to eat pizza with a nice bottle of wine & sleepin late! ~SAVE A HORSE,RIDE A COWBOY~!

I'd like to meet:

George Bush,Elvis Presley(lol)Eddie VanHalen,Jeff Gordon,Ric Flair(Woooooooooo!,retired now:( *HHH*,Baptiste!The Rock(Dwayne Johnson),EEYORE&TIGGER!!,Angelina Jolie,J Lo,Usher,oh yeah and someone you can trust 100% and 24-7! ~Who else I would loooove to meet is the one and only Eric Roberts(Julia's he some kinda secksay ladies?~ Who wouldn't want to meet her?:)Rock It Out Eddie...What A Knockout~Angelina Jolie~Is It Hottttt In Here?.....Coolest Fellow~....And his best friend TIGGERRRRRRRR:)


Well 1st & foremost~ Alicia Keys~&~Leona Lewis.They both are the 2 of the best female recording artist out there right now(my opinion of course(:)tough I will have to give it up for Mariah she has got it goin' on:),.,lol,its cool and they are all sexy ,no doubt & lets see for a fav male singer(s) I would have to say NICKELBACK,Daughtry & David Cook(Newest American Idol)David Cook I should take ya name off my page because u never added me..what you got to full of yaself already???....lmao! Now DAUGHTRY they rock,and are local guys,very kewl~ and lastly,lol,All The Best New & Classic Rock & A Lil' Country every now and then:) Chris Daughtry in Times Square


Million Dollar Baby****Deep Impact****I Am Legend****,Perfect Storm****,Titanic****,Meet The Fockers ,The Beach~ w/ Leonardo Decaprio(cool flick),Walk The Line****(Johnny Cash),Cheaper By The Dozen****(I literally lmao! & Friday After Next,Purple Rain & GREASE! Love to watch Horror flicks but my date gets scared and covers his eyez most of the


American Idol,E.R.,Sopranos,Wife Swap & Super Nanny,American Idol,House,C.S.I.,Law & Order,, Chris Angel,Ghost Hunters,Everybody Loves Raymond..I lmao at that show..believe it or not~lol~


I really enjoy reading any of Stephen King's novels and I also like Mary Higgans Clark alot.They are both very talented authors! Check it out.Oh yeah and my InStlye magazine(a must)


My Mom & My Dad,All The Men & Women Who Serve & have served In Our Armed Forces. GOD BLESS THEM ALL!

My Blog

New President?

Obama for president?a mistake..misfortune?a blessing?Lemme know what you personally think,plz~Breeze~...
Posted by BREEZE on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 10:27:00 PST

American Idol

All American Idol fans out there,I have a question for you...In all the seasons of American Idol,which idol do you consider to be the best so far?...
Posted by BREEZE on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 05:27:00 PST