motivation, women who can tell me ten things i didn't already know, sandwiches, WaWa, roads i've never driven on, the cosmos, Boston Red Sox, Los Angeles Lakers, New Jersey Devils, Dallas Cowboys, Henry Rollins, Noam Chomsky, Franz Kafka, military, tattoos, my JEEP, movies, drums, clothes, college and nfl football, SuicideGirls, awesome movies i've yet to see
I'd like to meet:
blonde, well read, articulate women who are aware of their crazy, and don't let it destroy what they care about. she better be able to tell me ten things i don't already know too.
i listen to real punk rock, metal, hardcore, jazz, blues, classical,and hip hop. i hate club banger rap. i rarely turn on the radio. i hate 'nu-metal'. i hate U2. i hate R.E.M. i hate michael bolton. i hate sting. i hate john tesh. i have A FIRE INSIDE tattooed on me, but the new AFI record blows. i think davey really did destroy the punk scene.
American Psycho, A Clockwork Orange, anything Kevin Smith directed, Pulp Fiction, Sin City, The Usual suspects, Flatliners, Equilibrium, Shooter, Full Metal Jacket, Man Bites Dog, Army of Darkness, Night of the Living Dead, Jackie Brown, Ichi The Killer, The Staircase, Syriana, Ongbak: The Thai Warrior, jarhead, Memento, GO, Apocalypse Now: original and Redux, face/off, The Jackyl, Bazing Saddles, Holy Grail, Silent Movie, The Producers, Young Frankenstein, Life of Brian, History of the World, The Rules of Attraction, Spun, The Cell, Reservoir Dogs, Westway to the World, Hitchhikers Guide, The Great White Hype, 187, Suicide Kings, Army of Darkness, Poolhall Junkies, Shooter, Enter the Dragon, Star Wars Ep 1-6, 300, Mischief, 1408, Pieces
don't watch much tv but shows i enjoy include almost anything on discovery, the history or the military channels, family guy, futurama, american dad, robot chicken, Dexter, ROME, metalocalypse, Sealab 2021, Bleach, initial d., knight rider, the A-Team, magnum p.i., transformers, man vs. wild, dogfights, things that can teach me something.
'What will your obituary say?' at
Catcher In the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Why People Believe Weird Things by Dr. Michael Shermer, Frank Miller's Sin City graphic novels, Jarhead by Anthony Swofford, The Rules of Attraction and American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis, every Henry Rollins book I've ever read
the visionaries who have brought you such entrancing film as The Four Finger Club. Henry Rollins, my mother, Holden Caulfield, Patrick Bateman, Chuck Norris, the Human Torch, Batman, Wolverine, Colossus, Optimus Prime, Franz Kafka, anyone with a GWOT Expeditionary Medal or a Combat Action Ribbon