shopping,Online,Chillin,My favorites are: Hot wings with ranch BBQ ribs and greens & chicken bbq salads favorite drink is greygoose and crownroyal and wine coolers, non alcoholic drink is sunkist n mountaindew. I love to exercise, My favorite color is baby blue and pink, photography and designs is what i like to do.i
I been dating my Boyfriend {age:25} since 6-1-06 and living together since then. we have been through a lot of shit drama and hard times and made it through each and every one of them. we plan on being together forever,maybe having a kid someday and getting married after a few yearz ,he can deal with me better then anyone i know. he treats me good takes me places and tells me he loves me all day long! Theres no other guy i rather be with for the rest of my life. Hes the greatest boyfriend ever, even tho we fight sometimes but who doesnt and we alwyas get through it make up is the best part!
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i do read but it more of likely is going to be scary, About life or randomely anything that looks long and good.
my boyfriend and my family, He puts up with me through thick and thin. he tells me he loves me everyday almost all day long he hugs me when im sad and makes me smile & laugh he doesnt make me work he takes care fo me and has been there for me when i needed him weve made mistkaes but we promised eachotehr we would do better and we have from now until we die ill be his