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I'm Me...

About Me

I'm Me. I love meeting new people and having fun. I think i get bored to often, so I'm always trying to find something to do. But I always have lots of stuff I'm supposed to be doing. Right now I'm writing up a business plan for a small sneaker boutique. I also draw up Sb Dunk designs. Most of the designs are extensions on my randomness and things I like. I also want to have a cool t shirt line. I'm a pretty creative person. Graffiti Art and Photography are some of my favorite art styles. I love cooking and being in the kitchen. I'm trying to get more into wine, but there's just so much to learn about wine. I go to school for Audio Engineering, so I guess I like music a whole lot. I will listen to just about anything, and some of it can be crazy. I'm something of a gamer. I love my Wii, it's so fun. And if you've never played one something is seriously wrong with you. What do I want out of life? That's a hard one... I want to find my place in life, my mate, and not be broke when I die. Who am I looking to meet? Someone fun and interesting. That likes music art clothes food occasional gaming and just basically having spontaneous fun.. And no this doesn't mean that I am looking for love on myspace. Maybe some new good quality friends.

My Interests

Music Recording and Composition. Art and Clothing Design. Cinematography. Fun. Wine.

I'd like to meet:

People doing it big in the business side of Music. Some up and coming fashion designers and sneaker freakers. And I also want to meet some successful entrepreneurs.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


Lots of Stuff, just ask.


Too many to list.


I don't really watch tv. If i do it's usually Adult Swim, Comedy Central, or CNN.


Recording Industry magazines. Sound on Sond. Mix, Remix, Electronic Musician, TapeOp. Also books on visual artists.


All the mothers out there. Seriously, how do you do it?? And successful young entrepreneurs.

My Blog

Recording Bushwick Bill

So I'm recording Bushwick Bill this weekend. He just happens to be at the studio I work at. He's cool as hell, and knows a whole lot about the industry. I'm trying to learn as much as I can from him b...
Posted by Millsy on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 08:57:00 PST

Not Looking, But Looking for the One...

I'm nothing looking for anything serious. But something serious would be fun. I get bored have movie nights all to myself. but I'm usually to tired from work to do anything else. But I believe that wh...
Posted by Millsy on Thu, 25 May 2006 08:53:00 PST

Starting A Record Label

So I'm starting this record label. Can anybody out there sing or do anything musically?? Anybpdy have any pointers? I can use all the info I can get.
Posted by Millsy on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 01:50:00 PST

Fits of Insomnia

I'm one of those people that has a hard time sleeping at night. Does anyone have any suggestions?? for me sleep is more of a suggestion, than a practice.
Posted by Millsy on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 07:21:00 PST

Latest News

I'm starting these new Audio Engineering classes this semester. I want to become one of the Music producing legends. Pharrel look out I'm coming...
Posted by Millsy on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 06:49:00 PST