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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Throughout human existence we have used stone and wood as media for communicating spiritual ideas—for representing needs and desires that bind communities together and tear them apart. It is in our nature to feel a connection to these simple materials of and from the earth. With this in mind, I use wood and stone to continue an ancient dialogue describing and exploring the human experience.Each stone and piece of wood I work with has its own story as well. On a trip to Africa I obtained ebony in Timbuktu. The heart pine beams I sculpt were originally the structural members of a sailing vessel. The basin and lid of a baptismal font I carved came from the bole of an ancient elm on the banks of the Tennessee River. With these histories, there is not simply a basic love for the raw materials but a unique bond with each piece.My methods for sculpting vary considerably. I may start with a study of the raw material, searching for the idea or spirit within a piece of stone or wood. At other times, I proceed from a specific idea that is completely detailed in sketches before any physical work begins.I use a wide variety of tools in my work, in part because stone and wood require different techniques. I start by roughing out the forms with heavy tools, progressing to hand chisels, gouges and rasps. As the forms are revealed, I may leave them in a rough-hewn state that exposes the essence of the material or grind and polish them to an extremely high finish.The result is a unique shape, form and texture inviting contemplation and discovery.

My Blog

Movie time!!

So, my boy Dylan Kussman has a short film series he wrote and directed on You Tube called "The Steps"It is dope, check it out. and guess what???@! in the Meeting shot you will see me. I get to speak ...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Feb 2009 11:09:00 GMT


I just had coffee and i was checking my page here for messages and i thought i would try my hand at this blogging thing. What's going on.... Life has been really busy lately and for the most part real...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 07:58:00 GMT

God, I love weirdoes!

So I am sitting on my bed taking a lunch break with coffee looking at some of the weird ass people I have as friends. Im think'en about my life and their lives and all the strange places it has taken ...
Posted by on Mon, 12 May 2008 09:53:00 GMT

Steel String Session

Well, what a party. I got a call a little over a week ago from my good friend Jamie Weems, a true ninja on the mandolin. He told me about the Steel String Session and that they were looking for a g...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 08:17:00 GMT

The Horror

Well, I hate to be negative but&. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the complexity of the bizarre things we accept, and sometime I feel like yelling out in a crowd "what the fuck?!?!?!" In Iraq we tal...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 08:43:00 GMT

Poem... The Hunter

The HunterStrange walk from the dust of the earth,As from the dust of time.Live, vital, electric, now!!!The crowded stone and clay streets of antiquity.The eco is not an ecoRelevant, now!!!What is GOD...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:47:00 GMT


Well i got a new one for ya.. THE DAD HORSE EXPERIENCE has got a unique soul motion vib.. i love it. check it on my top eight. Put the head phones on, close your eyes, sit back, smile and love it.
Posted by on Fri, 04 May 2007 08:06:00 GMT

The FNA Show.... Imprtant... very important

it will bring you money, fame, health, help you loose wieght.. oh wait that was that Secret movie. that was the perfect movie for lazy america.. "just think about it, dont work, naaaa just think hard ...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 07:08:00 GMT

Statement on my work with bone as a sculptural media

For awhile now I have been exploring the use of bone as a sculptural media. As time has gone on it has developed in strength and focus. This body of work deals with humanitarian issues that relate s...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 16:11:00 GMT

The Panderers.... AT last and hell yes!!!

Scott Wynn heading up The Panderers has a glimps of the new album on myspace. I have been waiting for this ever sence i heared Scotts songs. i cant wait to be playing this album rolling down the high...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 10:43:00 GMT