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I reject your reality and substitute my own

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Which Vintage Disney Girl are you?
You are Alice. You have a wild imagination, and a classic look.
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You are an Iris:You are logical, analytical, dignified, and wise. You are studious by nature and may prefer books to people. You tend to be a serious person but are capable of making others laugh with your dry sense of humor. Friends always benefit from your advice.Symbolism: Over the centuries the iris has come to symbolize faith, wisdom, hope, and promise in love.
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Creativity- Your inner power is Creativity! Any of The Arts-music, dance, pure art, drama, creative writing-are your passion. You love the way you can control what happens to you and your life while you participate in any of The Arts, and you can push your emotions aside when you do so. You at times can feel very depressed and alone, and yet it only further fuels your love for your art. Life to you can often seem bitter and cruel, a world of darkness with only a few tiny flares of light, stretched out far in between one another. In a way youre confused with what you want in your life, and find it hard to trust people. Because of this people of the outside world see you as cold and uncaring, yet those who befriend you love you a lot, and know you are only very lonely and hurting. Boys are intrigued by your mysterious mask, and one day, one of them will reach passed your barriers and care for you the way you so desperately want to be cared for. Dont let the popular people get you down; you are a wonderful person, and without the creativity you bring the world, it would be a very boring place. Love yourself for who you are, for you are very special. Boy/Girl who will sweep you off your feet: A sweet, sensitive man/woman. The guy/girl who understands your need for being alone sometimes. Yet also someone who would do anything to protect you for being hurt, even if it means giving up their life. Your stone: Jade Your power: Dreaming/Imagination Your element: Dream A quote that applies to you: Dare to dream, dare to fly, dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky.
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What colour eyes should you have?..
Green! your eyes should be green. You are always daydream and wishing your life away. You would rather be sleeping and in the real world. Your friends can somtimes get mad at you because you never really listen to them. You are always off in your own little world and you like it that way.
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You Are A Shadow Dragon, You are a nocturn creature, you live underground or in dark places. You are independant and solitary, and very rarely in couple(in other words, your better off alone). You are not a good flyer and you would rather walk. Your sight is clear with the star and altered with normal sun light. The spells you use are always darkness and you can guess light and fire ones are dangerous for you. You can spit a cloud that makes your ennemies blind and tired. Your body and your bat like wings are semi-transparent, and your eyes are opal control: the shadowsstone: hematitquote:"It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more" from J.K. Rolling
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