ohh from those who are alive anyway id firstly like to meet my new obsession Takashi Murakami-the japanese pop artist type person he bases his art work on manga and the hiroshima bomming which i find brave however alot of artwork from japan since then seems to be twisted into the thought of the bomb. Clamp girls who brought Chi and Summomo and the ever humorus Hidekki n.n for those who have no idea what im talking bout its the people who wrote chobits and others like card captor sakura etc i find their mangas/animes very fufilling to read/watch. jake Gyllenhall....o0....mmm sexy man but whut the fuck is with bareback mountian or what ever GAY him HEATh noooooooooooo T.T im sure there are other people id like to meet who are alive but i cant think right nowand as for the poor sods that arent alive heh my numero uno choice would be mmmmm brandon lee mmmmmmm sexy dead man mmmm and definately kurt cobain he als sexy dead man for being blonde but id prolly want to shake his hand more than anything he moved the music world quite a bit well at least i think he did.