Craig DeMetz profile picture

Craig DeMetz

About Me

Craig moved to LA area in high school and sang in the garage bands. Mellowed out musically in college and started writing. At the time, wasn't looking to ever enter music industry so the music and words just came flowing out very authentically. (That's changed.)
"Most of my songs were written about breathtaking beautiful girls that I was too shy to respond to but who waited for me quite endlessly; through my shyness and total coldness to them. They waited with such risk in front of their peers "and though I never let on . . . ", it utterly blew me away - so many times. Many of my songs are a total tribute to them."
"Where Am I" and "In School" fit that category. "In School" was written about all half a dozen girls collectively that countlessly waited from the very beginning of middle school through high school; and "Where Am I" was about the last girl in the last semester of his senior year who waited even to graduation day! And the pinnacle of it all; she sat right behind him all semester with so many signs and one day in frustration said out loud in a quiet full classroom, "Is Craig here today?!"

He's only submitted his music to ONE radio or TV station ever. His only album is the number 1 most played album on WQRZ
103.5 FM out of over 1200 albums for FOUR years!! Other LPs his beat out include the Beatles albums, Abba's Greatest Hits, Rumours, and all! That's, at his first PITCH at bat in the pros; a HOME RUN with the bases loaded- which wins the American League pennant . . . ! ! (Likened to that!!)
Details at!
Craig also got a clip of his song played on an ABC television station a few years ago on the 5 o'clock news. (!)
He received an Honorable Mention with his song "Where Am I (When I Need You)" from the 2007 Billboard International Song Contest.
More recently, in a submission of a few songs for the December Song of the Year contest; he was named one of "December's Top Songwriters" and a "Suggested Artist" last February.

Getting political.

Everytime I Think of You

With so much <3

Me with my new cell phone.
In my darkened car sing-ghing Always & Forever.

More about

What type of talent do you have? (e.x. - musician, photographer, model, comedian etc.)
Most say my songs sound like 80's pop music. I've heard comparisons to Eric Clapton, Billy Joel, and even Supertramp!

Cal State University, Fullerton w/ a Bachelor of Arts

Interest and hobbies
Tennis (record: 54-6 past almost 6 yrs.), classical piano now, cosmology, astrophysics, and astronomy; the Bible, more history, and (of course) singing.

I would like to meet
Many from history including in the Old and New Testaments and classical composers. Many including concert pianists now.

Best attribute
Kind. Unique story about my songs.

Worst attribute
Is late about everything!!

Favorite movies
First Knight, Braveheart, Forrest Gump, The Professional, and more.

Favorite TV shows
24, 7th Heaven, Married With Children!, L.&O. SVU

Favorite bands and musicians
Billy Joel, Beethoven, Chopin, The Babys, ELO, and several unsigned artists.

My Website
Favorite books
Genesis, New Testament, and Atlas Shrugged.

Favorite games, sports and teams
Tennis and baseball. Roger Federer (+), and the Arizona Diamondbacks. Also, Boston Celtics.

Favorite places
Virginia, Alaska.

Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes

My Interests


Member Since: 16/01/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Craig DeMetz - All: acoustic guitars, piano, keyboards, and vocals / Mike Ski - bass / Mick - drums / David Snow - lead guitar, bass

Billy Joel, Dan Fogelberg, Electric Light Orchestra, Elton John, and many from Abba to ZZ Top.
Sounds Like: Others say: Eric Clapton, Billy Joel, Steely Dan, and 80's pop music. I think: a little of Elton John & Abba, and Andrew Gold (70's hits) :) --Favorite chapters: Psalm 37:4-13, Matthew 13
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

"Piano Man" recorded live in North Hollywood last year.

Billy Joel is my favorite (by far) musician and performer.  His concerts were (and are) incredible, and both he and his band rock.  He's also one of my favorite pianists with ...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 15:49:00 GMT


Hi friends and everyone! Sorry about the snare getting out of time starting in the middle of  "On And On".  That's why the song sounds a bit messy in the middle; all because of that one...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 05:46:00 GMT