It's sad because it's the only one, ATC or to the more normal ones among us, Air Cadets. This takes up two nights a week and most of my weekends, It's kind of like Masochism, it gets in the way and plays havoc on any relationship but it's just so much fun. It's like I already have 60 kids, but they all have to call me sir and salute and when I tell them to naff off they listen (most of the time)
An alien, only a nice one of course, none of that exploding out your chest stuff.
Yep heard of that, I hear I can get it on cassettes now. You kids and your modern day technology.
Seen a couple of those, still couldn't tell you what my favourite one was. Too many to name.
Watch that occasionally. Gotta love Stargate SG1 (yes I know sad, almost as bad as being a trekkie), none of this reality rubbish. If I want to watch a bunch of idiots sitting round in a house, I'll put a mirror where the TV is.
A what now? I've heard of these things, they're made of paper aren't they?
I'm still trying to be nationally recognised as one, so far it is only the lady down the road who's cat I rescued. Well when I say rescued what I mean is, I didn't run over it.