~Jess~ profile picture


Are you kidding I'd give my right eye

About Me

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*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Jess Ham
Date of Birth: October 27, 1983
Birthplace: Cape Girardeau
Current Location: St. Louis (Shrewsbury)
Eye Color: baby blue
Hair Color: Blonde (i act it too!)
Height: 5"2
Heritage: American as hell
Piercings: just in the ears
Tattoos: nope
Band/Singer: duh britney spears, the old one anyway. I mainly listen to country so whoever?!
Song: when you say nothing at all
Movie: anchor man!!!
Disney Movie: it's a tie between beauty and the beast and little mermaid
TV show: laguna, the hills, real world, flavor of love, deal or no deal, shall i continue?
Color: red, red, and more red! so pretty!
Food: pizza, tomato soup, ANY kind of pasta!! i actually have a lot of favorite foods
Pizza topping: i just eat the dough and sauce. yeah i'm weird like that
Ice-Cream Flavor: mint chocolate chip!
Drink (alcoholic): bud select please
Soda: coke
Store: target, i never leave there empty handed
Clothing Brand: forever 21, wet seal, stores like that...they're kinda the same. clothes that are cheap and soooo cute!
Shoe Brand: nine west and steve madden, my fav shoe store is aldos!
Season: summer for sure. floating anyone?
Month: december, no school and i love being with family
Holiday/Festival: that would be christmas season obviously
Flower: roses?
Make-Up Item: eye liner
Board game: scene it and trivial pursuit!! love those games!
This or That
Sunny or rainy: sunny during the day and rainy when i sleep
Chocolate or vanilla: i don't care
Fruit or veggie: fruit
Night or day: i'm more of a night person
Sour or sweet: again, i don't care
Love or money: love!!!!!!
Phone or in person: in person
Looks or personality: i'm not gonna lie, looks attracts me at first and then it's ALL about the personality. anyone who says looks don't matter is full of crap
Coffee or tea: coffee
Hot or cold: hot
Goal for this year: be happy
Most missed memory: jeff and i going to LA. i can't waith to go back next summer!
Best physical feature: ??
First thought waking up: what time is it
Hypothetical personality disorder: i'm very impatient!!
Preferred type of plastic surgery: none
Sesame street alter ego: huh?
Fairytale alter ego: i don't know?
Most stupid remark: that i've made? oh gosh i could go on forever but i'm not going to embarrass myself like that.
Worst crime: speeding
Greatest ambition: just be happy, have a loving marriage and healthy kids!
Greatest fear: plane crash
Darkest secret: it wouldn't be a secret if i told you now would it?
Favorite subject: psychology
Strangest received gift: i don't ever remember a strange gift from anyone
Worst habit: biting my nails
Do You:
Smoke: no
Drink: yes
Curse: yes, we all do
Shower daily: most definitely
Like thunderstorms: only when i sleep!
Dance in the rain: mmmmmmm...no
Sing: all the time. I LOVE karaoke!
Play an instrument: no
Get along with your parents: very much so
Wish on stars: only if it's a shooting star
Believe in fate: yes
Believe in love at first sight: lust that turns into love is what i believe
Can You:
Drive: i would hope so
Sew: sort of, my mom has taught me a little
Cook: ha! ask jeff about that one, he does all the cooking in our relationship
Speak another language: spanish
Dance: yes. i danced when i was little, all through high school on the dance team and in college and in competitions....so yeah...i think i can a little
Sing: didn't you already ask me this?
Touch your nose with your tongue: no but i can touch my tongue to the end of my elbow which is SUPPOSED to be physically impossible but i proved them wrong!
Whistle: very loudly, you should hear me at cardinal games. people are impressed
Curl your tongue: yes
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: does a bear shit in the woods?
Been Stoned/High: no no
Eaten Sushi: i don't know, i ate something weird like that
Been in Love: i am now!
Skipped school: unfortunately
Made prank calls: in elementary school maybe
Sent someone a love letter: to my boyfriend
Stolen something: no
Cried yourself to sleep: yes
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? people that i don't like
Are you right or left handed? right
What is your bedtime? after midnight
Name three things you can't live without: my dog, my friends, my family
What is the color of your room? red!!
Do you have any siblings? one older brother david and a sister in law melissa
Do you have any pets? my yorkie riley
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? absolutely not!
What is you middle name? leigh
What are you nicknames? hambone, ham sandwich, piglet, ham and cheese, trust me..i've heard them all and they are not funny anymore
Are you for or against gay marriage? i don't really care either way
What are your thoughts on abortion? i'm very against it
Do you have a crush on anyone? i'm sure he knows i like him
Are you afraid of the dark? not at all
How do you want to die? painlessly
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 2?
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yes
What is the last law you’ve broken? speeding
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: brown
Eye color: light colored
Height taller than me but not too tall
Weight ? not fat
Most important physical feature: eyes
Biggest turn-off smelling bad
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My Interests

I love~~ my boyfriend Jeff Dunaway, hanging out with my friends, bartending(good money), bud select, taking my dog for walks, laguna beach, the hills, real world, LA, memphis with my friends, CARDINALS, and of course Scott Rolen(so hot), Britney Spears, dancing, talking with lithsps with my bethtest friendths chrithtie and mithy, playing soccer if anyone would play with me, riding four wheelers, fishing, wow i just sounded hoosier but it's fun!, getting my hair cut, SHOPPING, i can't get enough of clothes, the simple life, tomato soup, my dog Riley, funny movies, road trips with friends, my cell phone...couldn't live without it!, drunk dialing/messages, pasta, flowers, Matthew McConaughey and anything that man does, the beach (i'm going to st. george island with jeff and his fam next summer and i can't wait!!!), the lake (my favorite place to go and hang out in the summer), working out (sometimes), shoe shopping, cleaning my room, taking pictures and putting them on here and facebook, weddings, my friends (who are cooler than anyone else's), coke, hot/sunny days, and i'll stop for now!

I'd like to meet:

BRITNEY SPEARS!!! And Scott Rolen because he's the best and hottest third baseman ever! And of course...the love of my life...Matthew Mcconaughey! He is soooo gorgeous!
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mainly country but anything really


i love old school, wedding crashers, notebook, 40 year old virgin, and all scary movies and comedies. im pretty sure that my favorite movie is anchor man. yes i'm still the annoying one quoting it but it's so funny!


I love seinfeld, friends (who doesn't), sex and the city, the simpsons, any celebrity news stories, laguna beach (at least i admit it), the hills (this season is going to be amazing!) real world, dr phil and oprah!, flavor of love...yes i'm serious, and lately deal or no deal.


i only read magazines, books are boring to me


my friends and family. And of course Caleb! I miss him soooooooo much!