~MANDY~ profile picture


~Happiness is like a Kiss. You must share it to enjoy it~

About Me

HEY! My name is Mandy. I was born in Metarie, Louisianna. I lived in Picayune pretty much my whole life. I have 3 sisters Misty, Megan, & Mallorie, & 1 bro Et. And I have an adorable niece MaKayla. I don't know what i would do without all of em. I live in hattiesburg with my girl malissa. U already know it goes DOWN over here. I love to go out and chill with my girls (CRAZY HOES!) I'm pretty much down for whatever.I edited my profile at Myspacelayouts . check out these Myspace Layouts!

You Are a Martini
There's no other way to say it: you're a total lush.
You hold your liquor well, and you hold a lot of it! What Mixed Drink Are You?

h e r e . w e . g o
name... MANDY
birthday... June 12
birthplace... Metarie, LA
location... Hattiesburg MS
eye color... hazel
hair color... dirty blonde
righty or lefty... righty
zodiac sign.... gemini
f a v o r i t e s
music... rap, alternative, country, R&B
cartoon.... Family Guy
color... yellow
car... maxima
magazine... seventeen
tv show... Grey's Anatomy
song... "Lips of an Angel"
spice girl... posh
food... jr. bacon cheesburger
drink... diet coke
subject... don't have a favorite
w h a t . i s
your most over used phrase... YOu Already KNow
first feature you notice on the opposite sex... eyes
best name for a butler... BOB
wussiest sport... dunno
your best feature... you tell me
your greatest fear... snakes and spiders
your most missed memory... my paw-paw
i . p r e f e r
pepsi/coke... diet coke
mcdonalds/burger king... B-King
adidas/nike nike
cats/dogs... neither
rugrats/doug... rugrats
tupac/jay-z... tupac
shania twain/leann rhymes... shania
lipton iced tea/nestea... lipton
one pillow/two... make it 3
chocolate/vanilla.... vanilla
hot chocolate/hot cocoa... hot chocolate
cappucine/coffee... french vanilla cappuncino
d o . y o u
shower everyday... of course
think you've been in love... yup
want to go to college...
want to get married... someday
type correctly... most of the time
believe in yourself... sure do
have any tatoos... yep
have any piercings...how many... yep..8
get along with your parents... yeah
like thunderstorms well no
t h e . f u t u r e
age you want to get married... no clue
number and names of kids... 2...Abby & Landen
dream wedding... ummm..
dream job... Nurse
country you'd like to visit... Paris
how you want to die... peacefully
a b o u t . h i m
best eye color... blue
best hair color... don't matter
short or long hair... short
best height... taller than me...lol
best weight... average
last time you slept with a teddy bear... don't remember
rings before you answer the phone... depends on who it is
whats on your mouse pad... dell
how many schools have you went to... 4
bedroom carpet color... tan
shave your head for a million dollars... hell yeah
best time of the day... night
a b o u t . y o u r . f r i e n d s Them CRazy HOes!!!
funniest... Feeley
loudest... Kourtney
quietest... me...lol...sometimes
most fun to be with... all of em
smartest... malissa & brooke
most well behaved... allie
most outspoken... everybody
can talk to for hours... malissa
knows the most secrets about you... malissa
I got this snazzy layout from whateverlife.com!
I edited my profile at Myspacelayouts . check out these Myspace Layouts!
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts

My Interests

Take the quiz:
What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)

You have sunrise eyes. Sunrise is the color of joy and elation. Your eyes symbolize your general sense of wellness. Your confidence and high self-esteem each and every day make you the person people want to be around. You are a very creative, passionate, and sexual person. You are not afraid to tell people what you think of them, whether good or bad. Some words to describe you: self-assuredness, out-going, busy, cheerful, bright, amiability, courage, successful, creative, personable, happiness, motivational, optimistic, strong, and aware.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


Mis forMellow
Ais forAthletic
Nis forNatural
Dis forDeep
Yis forYoung
Mis forMellow
Ais forAdventurous
Ris forRare
Gis forGeeky
Ais forAmbitious
Ris forRelaxing
Eis forExtraordinary
Tis forTerrific What Does Your Name Mean?