SMITH is comin with an oZ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i take 2 last steps before death sneaks apon me in the wicked way that it does. 1 step to figure everything out. and 1 more to tell the people... but on that last step, on my last breath...i will say the name of whom i love...1 last when fate falls apon me, and i am no longer around to be there,she will know what i know, so her too, will be i leave you now, on this day of peril, to look to the sky, and look to your true friends, and realize...that what is gone, cant be brought back. but what has changed, can change back...
What's your back-up ride?
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eazy e. showin all yall them true ass gangsta flows. YOU choose to live on your knees, I'D rather die on my feet...
SLC punk, naked gun, spy hard, blackhawk down, fear and loathing. american gangster,
cops cuz i like to see niggas and rednecks getting fucked with. IF YOURE GUNNA DO SOMETHING ILLEGAL, DONT DO IT BY A COP.
Smoke weed all day
umm...fuck? english was the gayest class ever. only mattered if you really are an idiot. but as far as books go, nigga please! halo. only books worth readin
the ramones...RIP in punk rok heaven. u r the gods.
and these niggas!
Iraq for Sale bonus scene: Blackwater