Get Your Own! | View Slideshow© Designs by MCTMy name is Krystal VanMeter and within the last year my life has changed drasticly. And I am officially the happiest woman in the world. I have met and married the man of my dreams. Life takes you on a nauseating roller coaster ride and your never sure what your next move should be. Your never really sure what direction you should go. Months ago I was propositioned to move to Chicago. Although it was a scary dicision, with guidance from family and friends I decided to go. Not wanting to live with regret if I stayed. Although I love Jersey and will forever be a Jersey girl, leaving it was the best thing I have ever done. Within a month of living there I met my wonderful husband. And that's when everything started to make sence. In his eyes I see my future I see my dreams and I see what was truely laid out for me in this crazy world. Some may think that I have tamed, and in all honesty I have. I'll always have the memories of being the wild crazy girl who would try anything once, You all know her the really really loud one. Although I may still be on the louder side. I have officially grown into the woman that I am meant to be. I'm sure life will still throw me some loops, But with Paul by my side I know that I can truely conqure any task that lay ahead. I will forever love and appreciate everyone who got me to this point,even if there were tears and heartache along the way. So all I really have to say is take risks, life is to short to over annalize anything. Live in the moment, and enjoy life. If your lucky and follow your heart you will end up where you know you always should have been