Large Marge profile picture

Large Marge

About Me

Things that I live for:
Little Ceasar's Pizza with extra sauce, The starting line-up at a Chicago Bulls game (there is nothing better than Benny with the flag, the cheerleaders with the glowsticks in their pom-pons and the bulls charging on the big screen at the opposing teams van), a murder mystery on Lifetime on a rainy Sunday afternoon, vacations in the Carribbean, dancing on a Saturday night and hearing my favorite song by Groove Coverage "Poison", a seventy five degree day in the bleachers downing Mai Tai's, Cream of Chicken Wild Rice soup day at Panera, when my friends e-mail or call asking if I have a "Steak Tooth", when you put on those jeans that were a bit snug a few weeks ago and now fit, Riesling, a great deal at Express, the Liter Sale at Ulta, prank calling/texting people and Halloween.
Things that piss me off:
Comcast Cable Customer Service...actually Comcast Cable in general, XO Communications and the rude/unhelpful employees at the Post Office in the Thompson Center!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Watch around -1:56 - Hollywood is calling......

My Blog

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