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I am here for Friends

About Me

follow me at http://twitter.com

My Interests

Infrequently playing bass, attempting to sing, rarely trying to play guitar, and possibly air-drumming. Photography. I should paint more. I should read more. I should write more. I buy too many records. I spread myself far too thin far too frequently far too often.

I'd like to meet:

IM = dontstaylong.


Lots. Currently listening to:


Wes Anderson. David Lynch. PT Anderson. Kubrick. The Graduate. Harold and Maude. City of God. Blade Runner. Dead Alive! Star Wars. Network. Oldboy, and many more.


Twin Peaks. Frisky Dingo. Lost.


Currently Reading: 100 Years of Solitude

Recently read: The Rum Diary, American Psycho, The Areas of My Expertise, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Camus short stories, Where the Sidewalk Ends.

Current number of unsuccessful attempts to finish On the Road: 4.


Dustin Hoffman.

My Blog

Jams of the Summer 2007.

You need jams.
Posted by Davis on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 04:00:00 PST


I made a myspace account for some music I've done recently.... nothing hugely special, just my own little snippets of noise (and they are quite a bit noisy at times). I'll keep 4 songs on there a...
Posted by Davis on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 12:09:00 PST