Looking to change my daily routine.
moving out of Cleveland, touring with a band, movies, staring at the computer screen, ripping off DVD movies, saving money, cooking food. traveling between existences in 2 cities, lifting weights, .beer.
anyone at this point. cell: 216-288-2574 im: defiantheartz email: [email protected]
Current listening:
Finntroll: Nattfodd
1208: Turn of The Screw
The Hope Conspiracy: Death Knows Your Name
Screeching Weasel: My Brain Hurts
Jena/Berlin: Quo Vadimus
....water escape from the steam valves in my heating units...not neccesarily a good thing.
SAW 1,2,3. American History X, Casino, Little Miss Sunshine, Sin City.
top chef sometimes, discovery channel but only in hotel rooms and on buisness trips.
Rolling Stone Magazine.
none yet