I would like to meet my old padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. They are both very strong in the force, however I am dissapointed by Anakin's redemption and thirst for revenge. I would also like to encounter my old master and now learning apprentice, Yoda. Life after death is both very spiritual and powerful all at once, and to be able to control one's life is something that can only be gained through true knowledge of the force. I would also like to meet the Jedi Council once again.
My Lightsaber as a Padawan
My lightsaber as a Jedi Master
Qui-Gon fights the Sith apprentice Darth Maul.
Form IV: Ataru
Ataru was an aggressive combat form relying on a combination of power, speed, and grace.
Using the Force, users could perform amazing athletic feats.Practitioners of Ataru were always on the offensive, attacking with wide, fast, and powerful swings. Form IV practitoners constantly called upon the Force to aid in their movements and attacks. By allowing the Force to flow throughout their body, they could overcome their physical limitations (including old age, as was the case with Master Yoda), and allowed them to perform amazing feats of acrobatics, such as somersaults and backflips, not only for attack, but also to evade their opponents attacks/strikes.
Those who used Form IV could move at amazing speeds and could rain strong blows jumping and attacking through the air. Powerful and lightning fast spinning attacks could be utilized from all angles, either from ground or air.
A master in Ataru combat could appear like a blur to their opponents, attacking from all directionsfrom the front, the sides, overhead, or behind.
The Force not only allowed them to perform amazing athletic feats, but it also helped guide their actions and movements in combat. Howevever, due to its aggressive nature, a user could become reckless and sometimes leave him/herself open to counterattacks.
Darth Sidious and Yoda, two masters of Form IV, duel.This form was also probably not as effective for prolonged combat, as the nature of Ataru could greatly tax the body. Fatigue may have been the chief reason that Qui-Gon Jinn was defeated by Darth Maul, though his old age may have also played an important role in his fatigue. This event had a profound effect on Kenobiafter his master's death, he decided to perfect his practice of Form III: Soresu, the most defensive of all forms.
Nevertheless, Ataru proved to be an effective combat form when used properly. Jedi skilled in Ataru fought with amazing grace and eye-bluring speed, using Force-assisted acrobatics and maneuvers to attack their opponents with powerful swings and offensive flourishes, never staying in one place long enough for their opponents to mount a proper counterattack.