There is a place in my chest...the Heart Hotel. The coagulating crimson halls are long and wide. There are moments recalled from past times stuck in wings of its muscular structure etched by energies that I have stored. Where the memory of all my lovely friends reside and the souls of others mingle in the great ballrooms sipping wine and laughing at all the hilarity ensued in our times. This is where I hold the stories of you all. This is where your face is never forgotten and your presents is often times recalled under hazy purple influence and golden whiskey sighs....
I consume my time mingling with the amusement of foam monster wielding movie makers, magnificent musicians, bicycle fiends, painters, poets, writers and all other likes of the Bohemian Renaissance Revolution...where art is a need not a want and it happens because you breath not because you thought....
but maybe you wanted more information favorite fruit is an apple or i wear flip flops in the winter cause my feet hate shoes...
Layout by CoolChaser