I'm a mom! Crazy! Ever Whitaker was born on Feb 19th at 9:50pm and only took six hours to arrive, but two hours of hard pushing...ugh! He was nine pounds and eight ounces and arrived in the world with a howl, ready for dinner! I'm married to Ty Whitaker---the most wonderful husband in the world. No shit. He's a whiner and bitches a lot, but he's also one of the most loving, caring men I've known. He's a bit obesessed with Lily Pad Rudabaker Whitaker--our JRT and fights a lot with Jack Whitaker--our Lab/Great Dane, but I just ignore him.
My brother and sister from England, Josh and Lydia, will be here in February to live with me for a bit. What a full house we'll have with the baby and all that. But---I always like lots of people.
I work in PR---from home. So it's a pretty sweet job and I really enjoy it
my favorite things are.......wide open spaces, deep blue lakes, a clear free mind and a few minutes each day to reflect on why..how..and all that surrounds me
sounds corny--but I'm corny and kichy and well--the kind of person that likes really bad 80's music and cries at American Idol
there you have it--slow down today