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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i like fall and books and coffee, but probably not in that order. i have a cat, his name is mouse and he frowns perpetually. if i could live in a sweater off the coast of some british island i would be more than pleased and not at all morose.
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My Interests

photography, journalism, books, talking to people (i do it for a living), art, music, sewing, cooking greek and indian food, hot coffee on a cold day and cold coffee on a hot day, vintage jewelry and dresses,sleep, travel, interesting and rare people, old photographs found at flea markets and garage sales (how can people get rid of those?)

I'd like to meet:

Garrison Keillor so I could hug him and thank him for making me love driving in my car and thinking so much. Photographers and journalists....we are crazy, brave folks but mostly just crazy.


all sorts but my top five (a.k.a. nick hornby) would be elvis costello, lucinda williams, tom waits, johnny cash and maybe a tie between sam cook, otis redding and etta james.if i had to add a few more i would say martin sexton, ben harper, ben lee, ben folds, joel kraft (check him out on my friends list), madeliene peyroux, beth orton, massive attack, nina simone, marvin gaye,elliott smith, radiohead, the pixies, flaming lips, the ditty bops, old aretha franklin, beck, david byrne and talking heads, astor piazzola, all things morrissey, jim croce, nancy griffith, joni mitchell,...okay, you get the picture?


anything john cusack (with the exception of that foul movie with kate beckinsale), peewee's big adventure, steve martin's L.A. Story, home for the holidays (directed by jodi foster, it is not the one of the disney variety with the boy from home improvement), anything alfred hitchcock, lost in translation, amelie, my life without me, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, pride and prejudice (the BBC version), bridget jones' diary, the tripletts of belleville (I LOVE this movie), raising arizona was a staple movie growing up alongside the national lampoons vacation movies (which i also still love to watch), french films in general...there are way too many and my favorite movies change each time i see a great one


i don't really watch television but when i do it would ideally be the shows house, the office, my name is earl or anything on bbc america (if i had that channel ;(), six feet under, golden girls reruns and strangers with candy cracks my shit up. usually what happens is i come home from shooting an assignment and get my giggles to some conan o'brien and go to bed fulfilled once again. he rocks my world, i am just disappointed he could not have been my date to the senior prom because i had the biggest infatuation in high school.


The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, various Dave Eggers works, Jane Austen, the aforementioned Nick Hornby, I really loved Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer and im jealous that he is my age and so accomplished. I am in complete awe of Raymond Carver and Dorothy Parker and Andre Dubus. I love Melissa Banks and Louise Erdrich as well. And of course, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Lorrie Moore, Garrison Keillor and Margaret Atwood. Also graphic novelist craig thompson ( books galore, over and over again.I religiously read National Geographic.


oh, do many people really deserve this title?

My Blog

mish mash

There is so much to talk about but it is all random so I am not sure any of it will clump together into something edible for your big cyberspace brains. But I will give it a try simply to satisfy my m...
Posted by jennifer on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 04:26:00 PST

baby its cold outside and other tales

So this blog should first start off by singing the praises of craigslist. Thanks to that sacred classifieds listing I managed to find an awesome computer, thus this tale of my weekend. I had to search...
Posted by jennifer on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 04:47:00 PST

looking back

0-3 years old (1978 to 1981) --- Obviously, I cannot remember what really got my juices flowing music wise but I am going to assume it was somehow related to Sesame Street since I can still remember t...
Posted by jennifer on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 06:07:00 PST

dinah the christmas ho

Yes, it is that time of year again. Time to break out the David Sedaris book "Holidays on Ice." This collection of completely sardonic tales of Christmases past always delivers. It has become my yearl...
Posted by jennifer on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 03:56:00 PST

i don’t even know what to title this

i think sometimes it is really hard not to feel wretched. i am having one of those days. it is cold and nasty outside. i am alone at home and made the mistake of watching the what turned out to be ver...
Posted by jennifer on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 08:18:00 PST

delightful denver

there are so many things that i could share about my weekend trip to denver but i think i will only touch on some of the highlights and keep the rest to my greedy little self. *this one is for you ji...
Posted by jennifer on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 09:37:00 PST

a great quote i happened upon today

while waiting on my coffee this morning i read a really great quote from arianna huffington in newsweek magazine. it really resonated with me and so i thought i would share it. paraphrased of course, ...
Posted by jennifer on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 06:22:00 PST

creating unhappiness---rude people

i think one of my least favorite qualities in a person is unsavory hatred distributed to the innocent. occassionally i can rationalize that an unwarranted hateful person is perhaps having the worst da...
Posted by jennifer on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 03:19:00 PST

mood check

I don't like posting bulletins but I will gladly steal Jill's survey and post it on here to give me something to say.   1. How old will you be in 10 months?30  or however old everyone seems...
Posted by jennifer on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 02:40:00 PST

turkish delights

well i have not written one of these in a while. thought i might drop back by and bury some thoughts in cyberspace. oddly enough, though i have been absent, it seems my blog still gets tons of readers...
Posted by jennifer on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 04:19:00 PST