I love doing lots of different things - watching movies (real theater or home theater - and we have a good one), listening to music, reading, typical stuff. I even do the outdoor thing on occasion (hiking, camping, whitewater rafting, what have you), though I'd hardly claim to be "outdoorsy". But my favorite hobby is doing local musical theater - I may never be a professional, but I can have a good time coming close. In between theater projects, I am the karaoke queen!
I like all types, but have to admit a weakness for pop and I loves my showtunes (we have season tickets to the Broadway series in Cincinnati). In the past few years, I've started to recognize my growing love for more alternative/modern rock and have very recently discovered the wonder that is My Chemical Romance.
I'm a sucker for a giant summer blockbuster (can't be helped) and I've also been a Disney freak from way back. I also get really into a lot of the Indy fare, but can't seem to get into the more high-falutin' epics (Brokeback Mountain? Whatev.) a whole lot.
I love TV.......'nuff said. Tivo is the greatest invention ever made. We recently ditched cable (I have always born a severe hatred for the money-sucking monolith that is Time Warner Cable) in favor of DirecTV satellite - I'm weeping with joy over the fact that we finally have HDTV, and for a reasonable price, no less.
I love a variety. Girlie type books will be on my list for months until I decide it's time to switch to Stephen King, Dean Koontz-y stuff for a while, or anything in between. I'm sorry, but no Lord of the Rings, please. Reading that stuff is about as enjoyable as trying to read a technical manual. I'm also a sucker for a book on tape - not only can I "read" two books at once (one on CD in my car, and one on paper before bed) but these days a good story seems to entertain me more than music whilst drivin' in my car.