Michelle profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

What do you want to know? I'm doing the full-time job, career thing right now and, outside of those 40 hours a week, basically do as much singing as I possibly can - I am the theater and karaoke queen. The advantage of having said full-time job is that I'm a homeowner (well, condo owner) and live in said home with my adoring (and adorable) fiancee, Greg, our dog, Bert, and bunny rabbit, Dorie. Life is pretty alright these days.

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My Interests

I love doing lots of different things - watching movies (real theater or home theater - and we have a good one), listening to music, reading, typical stuff. I even do the outdoor thing on occasion (hiking, camping, whitewater rafting, what have you), though I'd hardly claim to be "outdoorsy". But my favorite hobby is doing local musical theater - I may never be a professional, but I can have a good time coming close. In between theater projects, I am the karaoke queen!


I like all types, but have to admit a weakness for pop and I loves my showtunes (we have season tickets to the Broadway series in Cincinnati). In the past few years, I've started to recognize my growing love for more alternative/modern rock and have very recently discovered the wonder that is My Chemical Romance.


I'm a sucker for a giant summer blockbuster (can't be helped) and I've also been a Disney freak from way back. I also get really into a lot of the Indy fare, but can't seem to get into the more high-falutin' epics (Brokeback Mountain? Whatev.) a whole lot.


I love TV.......'nuff said. Tivo is the greatest invention ever made. We recently ditched cable (I have always born a severe hatred for the money-sucking monolith that is Time Warner Cable) in favor of DirecTV satellite - I'm weeping with joy over the fact that we finally have HDTV, and for a reasonable price, no less.


I love a variety. Girlie type books will be on my list for months until I decide it's time to switch to Stephen King, Dean Koontz-y stuff for a while, or anything in between. I'm sorry, but no Lord of the Rings, please. Reading that stuff is about as enjoyable as trying to read a technical manual. I'm also a sucker for a book on tape - not only can I "read" two books at once (one on CD in my car, and one on paper before bed) but these days a good story seems to entertain me more than music whilst drivin' in my car.

My Blog

Best Week Ever

Ok, so maybe it was closer to the best TWO weeks ever, but you get the idea. February 14 -- during a very low-key Valentine's evening (just slightly fancier than normal dinner and hanging out - G...
Posted by Michelle on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 07:42:00 PST

It’s Dark

Two blogs in one week?  Look at me, I'm a bloggin' fool.... So the power just went out - not that little flicker where the lights go out and come back on thirty seconds later.  They went out...
Posted by Michelle on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 08:06:00 PST

Four weeks

Four weeks from this very moment, I will be in a bikini, chilling on the Lito deck of the biggest cruise ship on the ocean, sipping on the biggest, fruitiest umbrella drink I can get my hands on. ...
Posted by Michelle on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 11:20:00 PST

A game of tag

Amy Lee tagged me because my, and I quote, "birthday is coming up".  Fair enough and I'm honored to be chosen.  I can't guarantee these will be all that creative, but I'll give it a shot. Ru...
Posted by Michelle on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 08:19:00 PST

I love Dick

Greg and I went to Chicago this weekend to see Richard Cheese & Lounge Against the Machine at the House of Blues - their ONLY stop in the Midwest on Dick's "farewell" tour, hence our willingness t...
Posted by Michelle on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 08:14:00 PST

Friday night

Friday night.... Thought we'd do dinner and a movie....maybe dinner and some drinks....or karaoke.....the night was open.... His car was having issues and he needed a ride to the auto parts store........
Posted by Michelle on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 09:30:00 PST


WHY do you people insist on putting music on your MySpace page that automatically starts playing as soon as I go to your page?  It drives me nuts!  Nothing worse than going to site where&nbs...
Posted by Michelle on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 05:16:00 PST

More than meets the eye

Transformers (the movie) = Awesome Good Times Greg and I did something a little different Friday night and decided to have a date night at the Drive-In.  I haven't been to a drive-in movie i...
Posted by Michelle on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 11:07:00 PST

Yippee Kay Yay Mother Fu....

Last week I was informed by Cincinnati's new ZipScene group that, for giving my opinion on a few bars and restaurants around the city, I had won free passes to see a sneak preview of Live Free or Die ...
Posted by Michelle on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 07:46:00 PST


I'm grumpy and overwhelmed by feelings of annoyance.  I'm not going into detail, because I'll probably offend about a hundred people in the process, but I just felt the need to express.  I'm...
Posted by Michelle on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 07:47:00 PST