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...You Only Get What You're Meant To...

About Me

C o n t a c t
You may generalise and label me by judging my photos and profile, but you won't really know me til you try to.
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Imagine what you'd do if you knew you couldn't fail...
A b o u tJ M e
If you haven't realised already, I love cupcakes
You never realise when you meet someone.. the impact they can potentially have on you, or the impact you may have on them...
And you never realise as you are making memories with someone.. how much they will mean to you later on...

I'm shy, insecure, and anti social. Don't make me feel bad about this! This is who I am right now, and if you don't like it, then leave me alone. No-one's forcing you to talk to me.
I am very creative and I love making stuff with photoshop. I'd rather be at home on my laptop making something with photohop than out clubbing. If that makes me a nerd, so be it. I'm sick of caring what people think of me.
I love to laugh and I giggle alot, and it annoys me when people call me weird because of it. I'm just a happy person in general, and giggling is so much fun, why should I stop doing it? L
I am quite a perfectionist and I spend way too much time perfecting things that don't matter to the general population. But if it matters to me, I will fiddle with it until I'm happy. And go back and change it a few times. Then it's ok J .
Please don't add me if you aren't going to talk to me. I think it's a waste of life to collect 'friends' on myspace.

F r i e n d s
T h e j C u p c a k e j P r o b l e m
Well I woudn't consider it a problem. I just love them more than the average person. (now you're wondering if I meant I love them more than other people love them, or if I meant I love them more than I love people. Guess!)
When did it start?
My obsession with cupcakes specifically started about 2 years ago. But I've loved baking and sweets and desserts since I was 10.
Why cupcakes?
Because they are small. I love small things. And because they are sweet. I love sweet things. And because they are colourful. I love colourful things.
And also because they are like mini artworks. They can be decorated in so many ways; ribbons, sprinkles, dragees, cachous, fondant, buttercream, meringue, chocolate, caramel, flowers, coconut... I can't get enough of them. I hardly ever eat them, but looking at them makes me so happy and inspired.
I want to start a business one day, selling all types of small sweets. Cupcakes will of course be the first item on the menu. J
P o e t r y
Diagnosed as a perfectionist
Now what do I say
Realising it has to be perfect
Presented in a certain way
But how can I be a perfectionist
If imperfection riddles my day
Maybe that's the perfectionism
Just never feeling ok
Always wishing I was different
Never satisfied with me
Constantly trying to battle
With what I was born to be
Why settle for second best
When imperfection's all I see
If I ever achieved perfection
The pain would be a small fee
Keeping the struggles hidden
Not letting the frustration show
The voices argue within me
Bickering to and fro
They tell me it's not good enough
And I'm never going to know
What being perfect feels like
If those voices never go

My Interests

A n n o u n c e m e n t s
I know I'm not good enough for Matty. I'm over feeling not good enough, so I'm gonna let that one go. For now.
The most important person to me is my cousin
And Matty was very close behind him. Now ít's Jessca
My profile song is for Jessca, cos if she holds on, she will be a wonderful writer one day, and Im always willing to be here for her
Josh finally added some coding to his myspace
Ali says she wont use myspace anymore but I still love her
I finally did Camille's myspace yay!
I should live in melbourne
DXV and I both think there should be more PEACE!!!

P h o t o s h o p
(click to view full image)

I'd like to meet:



My Blog

ali is very good

ali posted this, just days after i wondered where the hell i would find it on the net, cos i remembered seeing it once, but i didnt repost it, and i lost it. but now i found it. cos ali is good :D &nb...
Posted by sunshine on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 02:26:00 PST

my ultimate fantasy

no im not talking about sex. you wish hahaha!   im really talking about something else. something i always fantasise and daydream about. and i was reminded of it today, when i visited a fami...
Posted by sunshine on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 01:21:00 PST

what i really think of you

i found this on someones myspace blog. she doesnt know me but i think shes cool LOLso i borrowed it 1) List 20 things you want to say to people, but never will ;2) Don't say who they are ; (i cant hel...
Posted by sunshine on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 01:32:00 PST

dont call me a dumbass

in new south wales we call it the hsc. i dont know what other places call it. in america i think its called SAT's?   anyways - its the big end of school exam you go through i did badly in my hsc....
Posted by sunshine on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 01:04:00 PST

rambling about love or the lack of

i think ive finally hit the 'brick wall' my flatmate spoke of; no longer moving forward in the right or wrong direction. no longer moving at all. simply stuck in this moment where my feet wont take me...
Posted by sunshine on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 12:59:00 PST


im one of the most tolerant people i know. i accept most people the way they are. i dont judge and i try  not to hate. but there is one thing i will not tolerate. one thing that makes my blood bo...
Posted by sunshine on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 05:24:00 PST

relationship survey

This survey is probably gonna make you uncomfortable, but if you do it... answer honestly! -Longest relationship: 2 months -Shortest relationship: ive only had the 1 -How many people have you broken...
Posted by sunshine on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 09:12:00 PST


Posted by sunshine on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 01:26:00 PST