Great news!!! The Daily Adventures of Mixerman is NOW AVAILABLE in hardcover on Hal Leonard's Backbeat Books Imprint. The book should be available all over the world sometime in June!
My name is Mixerman. I'm a Los Angeles based mixer and producer. I make records. You probably call them CDs.
I'm best known on the Internet for my daily blog entries, titled The Daily Adventures of Mixerman. Some people call them "The Mixerman Diaries." Some refer to them as "The Mixerman Chronicles." And some just call it "Mixerman." Regardless of what you call it, my story was enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people. In my diary, I take you through the recording process of a bidding war band in over their heads with a famous record producer (also in over his head, but don't tell him I said so!). Many find my diary side-splittingly funny. Some find them maddening. And a select few feel they are the most despicable accounting of record-making ever documented.
They'd all be right.
If you would like to read my story, you can go to You'll find a good percentage of my diary there. If you like it, you're going to be able to buy it in the Spring of 2009. You'll be able to get it at bookstores, music stores, Amazon, and even direct from my store.
Now, if based upon this information, you have decided that you wish to spend some time with me--and I would recommend that--or if you would like to hang out with people that love making records--well, you're in luck. I have a popular forum on a website called The Womb for such activities.
At The Womb you can network with people, or just become a part of the community. You can watch interesting and funny videos. And best of all, you can listen to The Mixerman Radio Show with Slipperman and Aardvark, two remarkably colorful and well respected recording engineers. We have a good time on the show, where we take calls and deal with them appropriately. If you listen to the show, you'll understand what I mean by that.
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter you will receive updates on my posts all over the net among other little interesting tidbits.
I look forward to seeing you.