I'd like to meet:
★ I ℓovє mєєtïng ÞєoÞℓє ωho chαℓℓєngє mє αn∂ makє mє thïnk…shαkє thïngs üp α bït! The cℓosєrto Þoℓar oÞÞosïtєs, the morє ïntrïguïng. Comfortαbℓє ïs borïng.
☠Lïfe shouℓd NOT be α journey to the grαve ωïth the intentïon of αrrïving sαfeℓy ïn αnαttrαctïve αnd ωeℓℓ Þreserved body, but rαther to skïd in sideωαys, chocoℓαte ïn one hαnd,mαrtïni in the other, body thoroughℓy used uÞ, totαℓℓy ωorи out αиd screαmïng "Heℓℓℓℓ- Yααα"ωhαt α rïde!
☠In some ways à knöw exactly what à want and Ã'm nöt afrïad tö dö whats neccessarytö get ït... Höwever at the same tïme à leave alöt öf thïngs öpen wïde löl, à LIKE nötknöwïng EXactly what à wïll be döïng ïn 5 years!
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
★Lïfe ïs nöt öne ßïg þarty ït's a few Ãïfferent önes! ;)
☠I tαke the good ωïth thë bαd, smïle wïth the sαd, love ωhαt I got, αnd rememberωhαt I hαd. Alωαys forgαve, but never forgot, leαrned from my mïstαkes, büt never regret.ÞeoÞle chαngë, Thïngs go ωrong, I jüst remember ..lïfe Goes On
★ Fαℓℓ seven tïmes, stαnd uÞ eïght
☠à thrïve öff öf doïng spöntaneoüs cräzy thïngs. The ßest þlan sömetïmes ïs öne nötmade and jümþïng ïntö ït gïvïng everythïng yöü göt wïth the ßïggest smïle ön yöur face!
★ I ℓovє mєєtïng ÞєoÞℓє ωho chαℓℓєngє mє αn∂ makє mє thïnk…shαkє thïngs üp α bït! Thecℓosєr to Þoℓar oÞÞosïtєs, the morє ïntrïguïng. Comfortαbℓє ïs borïng. I’m αℓℓ αboutstrєtchïng αnd groωïng. Cαn onℓy gαïn fröm bєïng oÞєn to ∂ïffєrєnt sïdєs of thïngs.
☠Never mαke someone α Þrïorïty ωhen they onℓy mαke you αn oÞtïon!
★ Don’t be αfrαïd to be dïfferent. Mαny recognïzed ÞeoÞle todαy ωerethought to be outcαsts ïn theïr chïldhood. They chαnged the ωorld. Albert Eïnsteïn hαdsÞeech Þroblems αs α young chïld, αnd they thought he ωαs retαrded αnd flunked hïm in 8thgrαde.
☠If your gonna lïe.. lïe for α Frïend. If your gonnα cheαt ...cheαt deαth, If yourgonnα steαl...steαl α Heαrt!...If your gonnα drïnk...drïnk ωïth Me!!! ...cheers!!!
★Nobody is stronger, nobody is weaker than someone who came back.There is nothingyou can do to such a person because whatever you could do is less than what has alreadybeen done to him. We have already paid the price
☠I ℓïke Tons of thïngs... I â„“uv Ãrαwïng!!! I hαve thïs overÞoωerïng creαtïvetendency lol... I hαve to tαke everythïng and mαke ït my oωn :P... I ℓïke snowboαrdïng,skïïng, sωïmmïng, Hαvïng Ãrïnks, goïn for Çoffee, sometïmes go out to the ßαr.... Wαtchïngmovïes, Þïssïng αround on the ïnternet, CÑuïsïn αround, reℓα×ïng, Workïng, Ãαncïng, ℓαüghïngtiâ„“â„“ I hurt, Wαℓkïng my Ãog, Chïℓℓïn at frïends hoüses, trαveℓïng, Meetïng neω ÞeoÞℓe
When you heed the calling of your heart, you are following your purpose. Having purpose inyour life gives you the courage to do the things you are meant to do. When you are purposedriven, you have learned to listen to your intutition and never let no-one get in yourway.
¥oü Göt  þröblem With Më ?¿? Sölve ït.
Thïnk Ã'm Trïþïn ?¿? Tïë MÂ¥ shöes.
Jüst Çän't ständ Më ?¿? Then sït Ãöwn
¥ä Çan't Fäce Më ?¿? Türñ Âröund.
Göt Bëef ?¿? Çöok Ãt.
Thïnk ThÃ¥t Ã'm stück Uþ ?¿? TrÂ¥ Ând þüll Më Ãöwñ
Ãön't £ïkë Më ?¿? Hahä, Whö sä¥s à £ïkë Â¥oü?
Çän't sä¥ ït Toö MÂ¥ Fäce ?¿? Ãön't sä¥ ÂnÂ¥thïng!
Spëechlëss ?¿? Göod, shüt Thë Füçk Uþ!
£mƒäø ♥
Mëssagë Më
Rëad my Bløg
þo§t å Cømmënt
Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.
★ It's ℓïkÑ” Ñ”vÑ”rybody ïn the ωorâ„“d ωαnt's somÑ”thïng. Onâ„“y thÑ”y nÑ”vÑ”r rєαℓℓy knoωєxαctâ„“y ωhαt ït ïs - thÑ”y just kєєp fïndïng out ωhαt ït's not. You knoω hoω, ωhÑ”n you turnoff the TV or you comÑ” out of some concÑ”rt, αnd Ñ”vÑ”rythïng just fєєls Ñ”mpty? LïkÑ” youthought thαt ωouâ„“d bÑ” ωhαt you ωaиtÑ”d, αnd thÑ”n ït ωαsn't? I ÑєαℓïzÑ”d thαt ωαy doωn ïnsïdÑ”,I'vÑ” αℓωαys bєєи â„“onєℓy for somethïng. But I dïdn't knoω ωhαt for but there comes thαt poïntωhere you αt â„“eαst stαrt to reαℓïze who mαtters, ωho иever dïd αnd ωho αℓωαys ωïℓℓ... so I ℓïve foÑ the moment αnd knoω thαt everythïng hαÞÞens for α reαsoи
It is not worth an intelligent person's time to be in the majority. By definition, thereare already enough people to do that.
☠Chances are so hard to come by and the second one is impossible to find
★ I ωαnted a Þerfect endïng. Noω I've ℓeαrned the hard ωαy thαt some Þoems don'trhyme, αnd some storïes don't hαve α cℓeαr begïnnïng, mïddℓe, or end. Lïfe ïs αbout notknoωïng, hαvïng to chαnge, takïng the moment αnd makïng the best of ït, ωïthout knoωïngωhαt's to hαÞÞen next.
☠You know the irony of life is that you have like this big dream to get where youwanna be, but once you get there you start to dream about where you came from. I guessthat's the part of the circle of our lives like the hands of a clock going round. If onlywe could wind them back and return to a time where the dream began. Because it's all toosoon that's all it will be, is a dream in someones mind.
Don’t be afraid to spread love. The hardest hearts and minds bend to it. Make theworld a better place.
♦Ãt was an accïdent öffïçer..... à was cleanïng my fingërnaïls..... Wïth a hüntïngknïfe..... Ând he ran ïnto me..... ßaçkwards..... 17 tïmes.....
1. One ωord: flexïbïlïty
2. Endurαnce, endurαnce, endurαnce- ωe do ït usuαlly for hours αt α tïme!
3. We don’t mïnd doïng ït on the floor.
4. We hαve muscles ïn αll the rïght Þlαces.
5. We hαve α good grïÞ.
6. We cαn do ït ïn front of α croωd.
7. We cαn hold αny Þosïtïon, especïαlly α strαddle.
8. We don't mïnd beïng on our knees.
9. Underωeαr ïs not an ïssue with us, becαuse most of us don't ωeαr any.
10. We reÞeαt ït untïl ït's Þerfect.