Loving the one im with. Having fun living life to the fullest...
Rap, R&B, Hip-Hop.
Cool Runnings, Set It Off, Why do fools fall in Love, 2Fast2Furious, Waist Deep, Madea Family Reunion, Stomp da Yard...
Martin, Living Single, Jamie Foxx, One on One, Half and Half, 106 & Park, Rides, Fresh Prince, Cosby show, Etc...
anything with african heritage, and some other things.
First and foremost God!!! My Mom!!! My Great Grandma and My Grandma(Doris Marie Bryant(RIP)) These are the only people i had in my life and i thank them for stepping up to the plate and doing what they had to do to raise a male child; I am thankful for them being instrumental in my life and letting me know that i will be something and giving me guidance. I love u all thank u!!! :)