MuSiC, TV, DaNce
SeXY LinDsAy LoHan & HiLArY DuFf & JakE GyllEnHaAl & HeAtH LedGEr, ThE HeIrEsS PaRiS HiLtOn, EvA LoNgOrIa MMMM!, AnGeLiNa JoLiE, MaDoNnA, KyLiE MiNoGuE.
AnYTHin As RaP, HiP-hOp, LaTin, RoCk Pop, TrAnC3 etc
JarHead, BroKEBack Mt., wAr MoVIeS, HoRrOr & COm3dy
tHaT 70's ShoW (lIke OmG) dAtS Da ShYt
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