Writing a bio is probably the one thing I don't like about the "to-do's" in the ministry. Either you hire someone to say captivating things about yourself or you tackle the task but try to write in third person so no one will think you are bragging, right? Well, that's how I feel anyway. But after a few years of rebellion I'm evolving to this bio idea, but I'd like to rename it... my journey
As with most singers, my journey started as a kid. I can remember singing 'If I were a Butterfly' when I was 5 or 6 and how it moved me that God made me... me. His love was rooted so deep that I couldn't sing a song that didn't mean anything. It wasn't good unless I was singing about Him. It was that strong conviction and passion that really set me on this journey. Of course, God gets the credit for giving me the ability to sing :-) Nothing I could do can duplicate the way He fashioned my vocal chords and my heart. lol
Well after the butterfly song, I came full circle and began leading worship at the same church my journey began. Looking back I can see how God was preparing me... building a strong foundation for me to stand .. a few (ok, many) years of learning and growing in the Lord, I began writing songs (which I never thought would EVER happen) and the first cd was born. That was in October 2005 and boy is that when the devil started messing with me. Should have known I was becoming dangerous :-) but shouldn't we all be a threat to the devil... after all, we are the bride of Christ. A ROYAL Priesthood! Co-heirs! In Jan of 2006, I began to lose hearing in my left ear and started getting dizzy. Not good for a profession that relies on sound. It was a trying time in my life but I can honestly say that I grew so close to the Lord. Though painful, I don't know if I'd change anything if I had to do it over again. I remember just crying and asking Him to please heal me. "I can't sing when I'm dizzy, Lord. I need to hear"...though I still have some hearing loss and hear noises set to constantly repeat... I feel the nudge, hear the words "keep going" That I did, pressing onward with my very best friend, the Holy Spirit, by my side. Constanly encouraging me.
In 2008, the second cd was released and boy was this project full of such emotion it stopped me in my tracks at times. The songs are honest and reflect Christ. So important. The Lord speaks through each song and I'm just so thankful I could be that vessel. After the release in February, the offers to come sing came more and more and WOW the anointing and favor of the Lord flowed and is still flowing.
During this same time, I was blessed (and still am) to be a worship leader at a church in my town... again, another layer to the foundation :-) Full band... yes, its awesome! So when I don't have an event to be at, I still get to worship, sharing the very gift He gave me.
My husband and I have also been burdened to ask others to pray for a cure for cancer. With the Lord's help, we started non-profit, RanKerr Ministries (randy and kerri... rankerr :-) to do exactly that. We raise funds to put up billboards all over the world that say "PRAY FOR A CURE FOR CANCER" the response has been amazing and just another confirmation that God wants us on our knees... for a cure for cancer... for EVERYTHING! When I sing 'I want to Live', which is a prayer for people with cancer, it opens up the door for me to share this request. You can check out that ministry at www.prayforacureforcancer.com
Ok... that's my music journey... probably won't win "bio of the year" but that's ok. lots of gaps I didn't tell you about.. lots of places and events I've shared at that may sound really cool on paper, but I'm not doing that... lots of things still left to say, but until you meet me, just take my word that I'm a big-hearted, tender-spirited, compassionate, sold-out girl who wants to give all I have for the one that gave His all for me and you!
We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us! Put on your armor, dig into the word of God and take that journey God made you for. He loves you! (go read Psalm 139)