º¿º kRiSsiE º¿º profile picture

º¿º kRiSsiE º¿º

SeXy NaUgHty BitChY mE

About Me

iM a hApPy gO LuCkY tAttOoEd aNd tOngUe PiERcEd gaL! Ü iM nAtUraLLy bOrN sWeEt LoLz! iM fRiEnDLy, fUnNy, MaKuLit, KaLoG, MaTaMpUhiN (LoLz), iM aLsO aN oUtgOiNg tYpE Of gaL if iM nOt at HoMe iM uSuaLLy oUt witH mY fRiEnDs.... i LoVe taLkiNg On tHe fOnE aNd iM a tExt aDdiCt! hEhEhE .... i aLsO LoVe cHattiNg... iM aN iRc aDdiCt iN LaYmAnS tErMs iM a cHattEr! hEhEhE :) .... i StiCk Up fOr My fRiEnDs... iM a tYpE of gaL tHat wOnt BaCk dOwN fRoM a fiGhT... BoY oR GiRL ... BaSta MaY GiNaWa sYaNg MaSaMa Sa aKiN o Sa MgA kAiBiGaN kO LaGoT SyA sA aKiN... iM aLwaYS hErE fOr mY fRiEnDs .... if tHeY nEeD aNytHiNg (wAg LaNg mOnEy), sOmEoNe tO taLk tO oR SiMpLy jUst a ShOpPiNg bUdDy... iM jUst a fOnE caLL aWaY ... RatHeR a TeXt aWaY =Þ

My Interests

i LoVe rEadiN bOokS, HaNgiNg oUt WitH mAh fReNdS, cHattiNg, teXtiNg, i aLsO LoVe tO wAtCh caRtOoNs! LoLz =Þ aNd i LiKe taLkiNg oN tHe fOnE! =Þ

I'd like to meet:

i WaNt tO mEet SoMeOnE wHo CaN WitH sTaNd My WeiRdNeSs!! (KiDdiN!! LoLz!) HoNeStLy... i WaNt tO mEet SoMeOnE wHo CaN aCcEpT mE fOr WhO i Am nOt fOr wHaT i Am Or WhAt i HaVe.. =þ


R n B, LoVe SoNgS, sLoWjAmZ, NeW wAvE, pOp RoCk & a LittLe Bit Of HiPhOp..
music video code by .. & theanimenation.com
utada hikaru - first love - j-pop


SeReNdiPitY, tHe cUttiNg EdGe, & sOmEwHeRe iN tiMe =Þ


CSi, HBO, cHaRmEd, AmAziNg RaCe, SUrViVoR sEriEs, tHe CaRtOoN nEtWoRk, tHe DiSnEy ChAnNeL & NiCkeLoDeOn =Þ


DaNiEL StEeL's BookS, LOTR, jUditH kRaNtZ aNd rOmaNcE nOvELs =Þ


=^_^= K R I S T I N E =^_^= =Þ..

This KONTING KA CUTETAN IS provided by

My Blog

~*~ I Can't Help But Wonder ~*~

I Can't Help But Wonder Thoughts we can never see Unless we choose to reveal I can't help but wonder How much you conceal When being kept from view Thoughts remain a mystery I can't hel...
Posted by º¿º kRiSsiE º¿º on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

175 Queztionz to Know Me Better ^_^

001. name : kRiStiNe 002. nicknames : kRiS, tiN or tiNe 003. sex : f 004. birthday : July 18 005. age : 27 006. star sign : cancer 007: weight: classified information -top secret- LOLZ 008. cur...
Posted by º¿º kRiSsiE º¿º on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

~*~Love Quote~*~

Love is a feeling that's seen in one's eyes.. Love is the sight of the sunset and sunrise.. Love is the joy that makes people smile... I want to share my tears with you, I want to share my love with y...
Posted by º¿º kRiSsiE º¿º on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Could I Get To Know You

Could I get to know you, Everything else there is? I know enough to want to know more, And I hope you'll allow me this. I want to know what makes you smile, All the things that make you la...
Posted by º¿º kRiSsiE º¿º on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST