Most important my other half.. And my dear little brother, who passed away too young (R.I.P.).. And sure artists & persons like DODA (Most talented musician & Artist with Beyonce+Glen Benton+Dee Snider), Glen Benton(!!!!) + Steve Asheim of Deicide , Dee Snider(!!!!), Beyonce, Sharon Den Adel (Within Temtation), Amy Lee (Evanescence), Black-death bands, Hayden Panettiere (Don't F**kin' laugh), ANNA ABREU!!!!, my friends on this site + lot of bg artists like Maria, Kamelia, Gergana, Desislava, Preslava, Gloria, Reni & whole scene, too much wonderful artists there =) Millions of people Black metal to even Rihanna+Lady Gaga+Britney Spears+ XXX Stars ;).. But mostly 2 of first i mention this list are what I really missed and need most.. Unfortunately other one is impossible in this life..