Sinthia {The Blood Countess Extraordinaire} profile picture

Sinthia {The Blood Countess Extraordinaire}

Still born songs of a dead dreamer and Hymns of a needle freak

About Me

Just a girl who never wanted to hurt you,only to destroy everything you ever believed in.
Cynthia plays the protagonist,a conflicted character who seems to have been born in an era whose morals do not reflect her own.She calls it like she sees it and agrees that its a shame stupidity isnt painful.Satanism to her is a way of life and not a religion considering she doesnt believe in the dogma that goes along with such poppycock.Normally only concerns herself with the well being of friends and family,but does believe that self preservation IS the highest law.
I over-think and over-analyze everything which I used to think made me paranoid...but now I know better,Im just being careful o_O "just because Im paranoid doesnt mean they arent out to get me"-catch 22
If you dont like the same things I do thats cool,but if you deny me because of what I like and not based on who I am then youre a waste of organs and skin.
What I believe to hold true:
1)Kindness should be given to those who deserve it instead of wasted on ingrates.You can not love everyone and it is ridiculous to think you can.Face it, if you love everyone and everything you lose your natural powers of selection and end up being a piss poor judge of character and quality.If you try to love everyone you only lessen your feelings for those who deserve it.
2)Turning the other cheek is foolish.Vengeance is the sweetest dish you'll ever taste.Some one has wronged you?Bash their fucking skull in.
3)Man is just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all.Truly evil creatures we are.

My Interests

Death metal,Black metal,Industrial,Classical,Art,Legacy of Kain series,serial killers,torture devices,drawing,corsets, bondage,sadism,masochism,occult,hemophilia,weapons,philosoph y, mythology,painting,science

I'd like to meet:

my true unadulterated self
Skinny Puppy - Worlock


Acid Bath

Skinny Puppy




Morbid Angel



Lamb of God


Cannibal Corpse

Six Feet Under




Children of Bodom

My Dying Bride

Theatre of Tragedy


Limbonic Art



Dark Faith

Opera IX

Carpathian Forrest






All Shall Perish


Siouxie and the Banshees

Sisters of Mercy

Soilent Green


Nine Inch Nails

Cradle of Filth



Celtic Frost

Mindless Self Indulgence

Type O Negative

Dimmu Borgir

Old Man's Child

Napalm Death



Amon Amarth





The Nightmare Before Christmas,Interview With A Vampire,The Crow,Donnie Darko,horror films,Evil Dead,Army of Darkness,Natural Born Killers,Sin City,High Tension,Edward Sisscor Hands,The Rage:Carrie 2,Labyrinth,Dark Crystal,Team America,Texas Chainsaw Massacre,Vampire Hunter D,Night of the Living Dead,A Christmas Story,Alien,Hellraiser,Benny And Joon,Sleepy Hollow,Helter Skelter,Silence of the Lambs,seven,slc punk,A Clockwork Orange,Wishmaster,The Birds,Ichi the killer,The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence,Rocky Horror Picture Show,The Prestige,Dead Alive


Metalocalypse,VH1 (they have decent documentaries),Dexter,Heroes,Invader Zim,Adult Swim,Discovery Channel,History Channel


comics,Johnny the Homicidal Maniac,Squee,I Feel Sick,Lenore,Ctrl+alt+del,any thing based on serial killers ,Hellsing,Berserk,A Clockwork Orange,The Embrace,The History of Torture and Execution,Sandman,....I love to read and naming all the works I enjoy would take up too much space...


Bruce Campbell,Roderick Ferrell,Mary Bell,Charles Manson,Jeffery Dahmer,Ed Gein,Henry Lee Lucas,John Wayne Gacy,Jack the Ripper

My Blog

hooks are neat

Posted by Sinthia {The Blood Countess Extraordinaire} on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 03:51:00 PST

i can feel the vein twitching...

Jesus fucking christ.another one of those rant thingies... New list of stuff I hate and/or can not stand.People on Myspace.Ususally that includes everyone but there has come to my attention a new bree...
Posted by Sinthia {The Blood Countess Extraordinaire} on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 10:07:00 PST

wish I had a kavorkian scarf >_<

might as well re-cap my mediocre adventures from this week end in case I have a stalker I dont know about. Friday Im sure was fun....I was just too drunk to remember but apparently I was more smashed ...
Posted by Sinthia {The Blood Countess Extraordinaire} on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 10:03:00 PST

Fascination street by the cure

oh it's opening time down on fascination streetso let's cut the conversation and get out for a bit because i feel it all fading and paling and i'm begging to drag you down with me to kick the last nai...
Posted by Sinthia {The Blood Countess Extraordinaire} on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 09:42:00 PST

boredom brings about inspiration...the kind that society questions.

There isnt really much for me to do at work today except wander around like some kind of unwashed vagrant looking for ANYthing to make me look "busy".But thats ok because I recently delved back into m...
Posted by Sinthia {The Blood Countess Extraordinaire} on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 09:44:00 PST

theyre gonna kill us all!!!!! but damn arent physics cool?

SO there is this nifty little internet tool call stumbleupon and it basically generates random websites,very useful when bored as hell.Found this site which I at first thought was a cult and turns out...
Posted by Sinthia {The Blood Countess Extraordinaire} on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 10:07:00 PST

lolz because Im so useless at work =P

WAIT! Ill cut him Jesus waits with a gun at the door Useful Jesus   thats all for now.......
Posted by Sinthia {The Blood Countess Extraordinaire} on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:09:00 PST

why cyn hates life: a short ass blog for my short ass attention span....

well for starters...fever of 100.2 and this makes me a volatile person to be around.I ache,Im nauseaus,head ache jackhammering my wittle brain.I wanna kill something with my feet >_> at work...and sic...
Posted by Sinthia {The Blood Countess Extraordinaire} on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 10:56:00 PST

bored and random with things that pop at my interest

Posted by Sinthia {The Blood Countess Extraordinaire} on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 09:37:00 PST

a testament to my laziness and flowers that look like vaginas that eat each other....

so in case anyone noticed I am really dragging ass when it comes to uploading my witty thoughts lately.AND SO SHALL IT CONTINUE!!!!!   Im probably not going to be doing anything in this here blog...
Posted by Sinthia {The Blood Countess Extraordinaire} on Thu, 29 May 2008 10:01:00 PST