Mrs. Lamar profile picture

Mrs. Lamar

From the first moment I looked into your eyes I knew that you were the one I was going to spend the

About Me

Things I love: my family, my husband, blue eyes, raspberries and champagne, puppies, the beach, my eyes, gourmet chocolates, nectarines, our benz, the katana, roller coasters, my sister, cooking, fireworks, kissing in the rain, pedicures, the color pink, pictures, very sexy perfume, cuddling, laughing, the name brayden, saints football, & men in suits...Things I disLOVE: cats, nasty feet, ironing, greed, boys picking their nose, planned surprises, martha stewart, waking up too early in the morning, & speeding tickets!!! I am a pretty easy girl to get a long with, just don't hurt me or anyone I love...I feel that I am force to be reckoned with hahaha!!!!

My Interests

music, white water rafting, soccer, baseball, canoeing, beaches, bars, cooking, movies, pictures, spitting corn lol, shopping, anything that sparks my interest (it isn't that hard to do lol)!!!

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You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?

I'd like to meet:

I wanna catch up with old friends and meet some new ones...but mostly catch up with old friends!!! I miss you all lol!!!


The Notebook, The Ringer, Men of Honor, An Officer and a Gentleman, Rudy, For Love of the Game, Radio, Raising Helen, Black Hawk Down....I like military movies and funny movies the most!!! I also like foo foo love movies...I need a little romance in my life once in awhile lol!!!


It appears to be whatever is in season lol...Hell's Kitchen, American Idol, whatever lol!!!


I don't really like to read but some favorites are...Decoding the DeVinci Code, War of the Worlds, Who Stole My Cheese, and I just started to read a school book's the 4th edition "Veitnam: Past and Present"...(wright state curriculum)!!!


Anyone who truly fights for this country because it's the right thing to do...not because they need a job or because they are told to!

My Blog

Once upon a time there was a Sat. night out with Mike and Brian!!!!

Ok so this was probably the best weekend I have had in awhile as far as laughs go...but I guess that will happen when you get the Lamar brother's together for a night of drinking and picking up stupid...
Posted by Mrs. Lamar on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 05:36:00 PST

I met someone special and that's pretty special ~ Gavin Degraw "Nice to meet you Anyway"

My god...I guess I am just in one of those moods lol! I have been doing a lot of thinking here lately! I was just thinking about how happy I have been lately! This is the first time in forever that I ...
Posted by Mrs. Lamar on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 06:19:00 PST

I wanna fling poop in your face like a monkey would!!!!!!

ok well screw some is a new blog to let people know what has been goin on in my life recently!!!!!!!! well i am back in school i hate it lol well not really but a lil bit!!!! lets s...
Posted by Mrs. Lamar on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 03:08:00 PST

Start livin...its the next thing on my list!!!!!

So I think that there all a lot of immature people out there lol!!! Most think they know me but no one really does! People love to spread rumors and talk shit but I am done with it :o) I have come to ...
Posted by Mrs. Lamar on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 08:48:00 PST