music, white water rafting, soccer, baseball, canoeing, beaches, bars, cooking, movies, pictures, spitting corn lol, shopping, anything that sparks my interest (it isn't that hard to do lol)!!!
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I wanna catch up with old friends and meet some new ones...but mostly catch up with old friends!!! I miss you all lol!!!
The Notebook, The Ringer, Men of Honor, An Officer and a Gentleman, Rudy, For Love of the Game, Radio, Raising Helen, Black Hawk Down....I like military movies and funny movies the most!!! I also like foo foo love movies...I need a little romance in my life once in awhile lol!!!
It appears to be whatever is in season lol...Hell's Kitchen, American Idol, whatever lol!!!
I don't really like to read but some favorites are...Decoding the DeVinci Code, War of the Worlds, Who Stole My Cheese, and I just started to read a school book's the 4th edition "Veitnam: Past and Present"...(wright state curriculum)!!!
Anyone who truly fights for this country because it's the right thing to do...not because they need a job or because they are told to!