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About Me

Hey, Im pot, i enjoy getting people high wether im being smoked from a bong or being vaporized i just plan out love it. Millions of people around the world enjoy smoking me. I taste and smell great and i do magical things to you when u smoke me that why so many people smoke me. I also help alot with medtical problems, mostly to help elders see better. No one has ever died by using the drug so thats why i think so many people smoke me. I grow indoor or outdoor(theres other methiod too.) I much rather be growing indoor organicly becuase i can grow big, heathly, and high in potency, when im indoors its easier to keep males away from me, i dont like males they palenate me and thats no good. So when im dont growing all there left to do is dry and smoke.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

blunts, rolling papers, bongs, ect...http://www.atomfilms.com/contentPlay/videoAutoPlay.jsp ?id=stoners_life&refCode=&brand=aol_singingfish..... .........COPY AND PASTE WATCH THE VIDEO

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