working, reading, being in the sun, Frisbee, grass, hills (even landfills, cause they look like mountains to me), really bad movies, having a good time, sunshine, picking flowers from your garden, making cards, scrapbooking, road trippin', thrifting, beer glasses, music, taking pictures with laura's camera
people from my past.
anything that pleases my ears joanna newsom, little wings, the blow, okkervil river, mirah, damien rice, calamine, built to spill, violent femmes, dismemberment plan, maria taylor, the moldy peaches, carissa's weird, dear nora, the microphones, mozart, parenthetical girls, MODEST MOUSE(pre 2005), jack johnson, parenthetical girls, trollin withdrawal, andrew bird, sufjan stevens, ryan adams...everything that was on my ipod before it crashed
this is just getting out of control
law and order svu and ci. daria..i dont even know i dont think ive turned my tv on in like 3 months.
wish i had the time that i used to have.
the succulents growing in my window.. im so proud of them for not dying on me