music. photography. people watching. nyc skyline. lomography. idiotic jabbering. boisterous laughter. sunset sailing. passion. 60's and 70's feel. britpop. indie films. photograms. drunken states. boracay. investigative journalism. plane rides. fashion. musicians. coffee. long drives. semiotics. havaianas. chucks. gigs. vivid memories. love. sunday mornings. hugs. vintage. black accessories. booze. old photographs. vanity. kisses.
Old friends from New junkies.hippies.a girl with kaleidoscope eyes.geeks.artsy fartsy people...
Indie-pop/rock, Britpop/rock, jangle pop, dreampop, shoegaze, 60's/psychedelic, electronic, jazz* the sundays. THE RADIO DEPT.!!!. the beatles. the postal service. the smiths. TRAVIS. interpol. morrissey. sean lennon. my bloody valentine. radiohead. the shins. the clientele. oasis. imogen heap. the lightning seeds. celestial. jesus and the mary chain. bloc party. the concretes. the cure. damien rice. sarah maclachlan. the police. Local: skies of ember. THE DORQUES. drip. taken by cars. updharmadown. sheila and the insects. DAYDREAM CYLCE. BOLDSTAR, death by tampon. soft pillow kisses. sino sikat. pedicab. sleepyheads. PEDXING!!! Orange and Lemons (mukha kasi tanga vocalist nila eh. Kidding Mcoy... winks!!!)
almost famous. lost in translation. juno. across the universe. reality bites. clueless. breakfast at tiffany's. napoleon dynamite. garden state.the virgin suicides. elizabethtown.
GREY'S ANATOMY (McDreamy is soooo yummy! I can just spread him on a cracker.. rarrr.. :p). Friends. One Tree Hill. WILL AND GRACE. Seinfeld. SNL. Oprah. Mad TV.
The Ice Storm (Rick Moody). Memories of My Melancholy Whores (Gabriel Garcia Marquez). The 500 People You Meet in Hell (Jessica Zafra). ELEVEN MINUTES and VERONICA DECIDES TO DIE(Paulo Coelho). The Virgin Suicides (Jeffrey Euginides). Lolita (Vladimir Nobakov). The Catcher in the Rye (J.D Salinger)
my family.