♫ roach (dragon free) ♫ profile picture

♫ roach (dragon free) ♫

i myself am... strange and unusual.

About Me

im erin. im majoring in visual arts. i have no idea what i want to do with it when im finished, i just know that i love to draw and wouldnt know what to do if that was taken away from me. im a christian and i do alot of church related activities, from hosting lock ins for kids, to helping work concerts for christian rock bands. i love music, even though i cant sing or play anything, and ive been really blessed to be able to meet lots of awesome bands and musicians thus far. ive been through my share of pain and suffering and enjoy helping other people because of it. everyone deserves a chance at a happy life. i have a wonderful family and great friends. i love meeting new people and making new friends but i cant handle people who are constantly negative, mean, and enjoy hurting other people. its not that hard to be nice to people. i love love LOVE halloween. every freaking thing about it. i have a cat named pivo and shes my BEST non-human friend. she is grey and really mean to almost everyone. ♥ im an easy person to get along with, so if you want to know anything else, just ask!

My Interests

art, music, people, church, eating, sleeping, pivo-cat, kids, halloween, candy, knee-high colorful socks, tattoos, helping people, lame parties with my friends...

I'd like to meet:

i just like meeting strangers.


loud, face melting music of just about any kind, but there is certainly something to be said about an awesome hard rock christian concert. it just makes me feel good. :o)


the breakfast club, the lost boys, napoleon dynamite, the outsiders, alvin and the chipmunks meet frankenstein, eurotrip...


strong medicine, miami ink, charmed, friends, cartoons of many varieties.


the outsiders, white oleander, harry potter (all of them)...


Jesus (cheesy, but well... i do kinda owe him)

My Blog

this is what is think is gross.

bobaflex girls     as im typing this, im looking at the new bobaflex girls myspace. it kinda makes me ashamed of my gender.   i love bobaflex, im a huge fan of their music, everyone kn...
Posted by k roach (dragon free) k on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 02:30:00 PST

life’s a garden - dig it

midterms - 2 As and a B sa-weet. i saw red this weekend at club echo. sa-weet. i found out tonight that if i write a paper about it, i earn 5 points in my art appreciation class. double sa-weet. how...
Posted by k roach (dragon free) k on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:14:00 PST

i have a new pet peeve.

i am tired of the overwhelming amount of people who say "people are stupid", "i hate people" and use the phrase "high school drama". here is why: the majority of the people who say "i'm so tired of a...
Posted by k roach (dragon free) k on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 02:30:00 PST

big place anxiety

ive had a productive day, oh me oh my! i woke up at 8 am. (i know!) and headed to rio grande to do all my last minute rio grande school stuff. sell books, buy books, get a parking permit, all that fun...
Posted by k roach (dragon free) k on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 11:44:00 PST

teaching friendship to kids

im having a lockin this weekend at the church. this will be my 2nd one. the 1st one went over super really well, especially considering it was only my 1st time doing it. i had a plan, a theme, a lesso...
Posted by k roach (dragon free) k on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 01:33:00 PST

well this si a new twist on a n old favorite. :o)

98 Things You didnt know about me. 1. ONE OF YOUR SCARS, HOW DID YOU GET IT?  im pretty sure my foot scarred from where i jumped off the haywagon at rythmfest a couple weeks. lol 2. WHAT IS ON TH...
Posted by k roach (dragon free) k on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 01:01:00 PST

what erin does when shes all by herself.

im a big big dork. this is just example one of why im single.   a few days ago, i was home all by myself. i was getting ready to vacume and of course i was listening to the radio. some kid rock s...
Posted by k roach (dragon free) k on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 10:04:00 PST

this is why im not perfect

where do i start? my legs are short, i have a flat butt, i have thicker, darker body hair than most females, my stomache is thick and flabby, my boobs are big but certainly not perky, i have no curve ...
Posted by k roach (dragon free) k on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 12:30:00 PST

holsifest 07

well, holsifest 07 has come and gone. it was alot of fun, alot of work and very emotional on alot of people. i had a good time. our colage wasnt as good as i hoped it would be, but i did as much...
Posted by k roach (dragon free) k on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 12:34:00 PST

college is hard.

im flunking algebra. well, i think. ive made up the last 2 quizzes ive taken (flunked) and got them all right so i dont know what shes counting. and tomorrow is my 1st algebra exam. holy cow, im gonna...
Posted by k roach (dragon free) k on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 11:52:00 PST