LAZARUS profile picture


About Me

Optimistic Pessimism ~ Pessimistic Optimism
This cannot be learned
This cannot be tought
It is something that just is
It is born with you and grows with you
Slowly building, growing stronger over the years
Like a mental plague to some
But to others, a gateway to infinite strength
Consisting of everything that's left behind, put aside or hidden
I see what you don't want me to see
I hear what you don't want me to hear
I know the things you don't want me to know
I'm where you don't want me to be
I'm who you don't want me to be
Friend of your enemies, Enemy of your friends
Neither of which to you
And I no longer have faith in who you are or what you "stand for"
In all these things I am consumed
Glazed over with a sense of disregard for most
And not for mere jealousy, spite, and the petty bullshit that floods your mind
I'm not another confused kid who's pissed at the world for what it is
Saying I hate everything because shit happens and I can't handle it
I've never tried to handle it... It is what it is, and I let it be
Ohhhh no, This goes much, much deeper
The things about you that you don't even know
The patheticism and mental weakness you have
All your self obsession with the filth you overflow with
Engulfing everything you are, everything you do
I don't hate you because of the things you say or do
I fukking pity you for not having any strength over them
The things you do to "fit in", "cope" or "feel better about yourself"
All the fukking shallow material self induced trauma you live with
Letting it run through you controlling you to the extent of everything you do
Trying to be every ones "friend" and stay on "good terms"
Worrying more what some fukk is gonna think about you more than yourself
Using someone or something to take the fall for the shit you do
Investing the few "feelings" into something that causes you more pain than pleasure
Thinking you "have" to do certain things to make it through the day
Blaming those things for you own constant state of confusion in life
No one gives a fukk about anyone else in the end
The shit is only as deep as you make it
Asking for everything and getting it then not wanting it
Asking what it is you did to ever deserve what you get
Never fukking realizing the simple truth
The cause and solution to everything stares at you through the fukking mirror
.... And I see all these things
In everyone around me
I won't look you in the eyes because once I do... It's all over
A constant state of deep meditational disgust of everything around me
The more you try to hide... The more I see
The more you try to excuse your submission to patheticism
The lower you sink, drowning in your own words, trying to excuse everything you do
Who the FUKK are you trying to impress?
What the FUKK are you trying to excuse?
Why the FUKK are you trying to excuse yourself?
Are YOU in the end nothing more than an excuse?
Excuses are made for yourself and no one else
When you start believing them, You might as well be fukking dead and buried
This is just the beginning
= Lazarus rizzo
They say there's a heaven for those who wait
Some say it's better but I say it ain't
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints
The sinners are much more fun...
And only the good die young.
Allow the heart to empty itself of all turmoil
Retrieve the utter tranquility of mind from which you issued
Although all forms are dynamic
And we grow and transform
Each of us is compelled to return to our root
Our root is quietude
To fully return to our roots is to be enlightened
Never to experience tranquility is to act blindly
A sure path to disaster
To know tranquility is to embrace all
To embrace all is to be just
Justice is the foundation for wholeness
Wholeness is the great integrity
The great integrity is the infinite fulfilling itself
Howdy howdy I'm Jamie
I hate sweets usually, sept maybe chocolate sometimes
I guess I've always eaten healthy by choice
I very rarely ever get sikk
I never take medicine or go to the doctor
I don't usually talk much in person
I love the rain
I usually try and go outside when it rains
I'm somewhat of a music nerd you could say
I have quite the diverse taste in music
I love to headbang
I'll headbang to just about anything
same goes for dancing
I guess you could say I'm artsy
I wanna go to school for Photography or graphics
I like anything plaid
I really wanna go to Europe someday
I never wear band-aids
I Probably don't care as much as you think I do about things
I have somewhat of a vicarious perspective on life I guess you could say
I'm not exactly a mean person
I suppose I've just grown sour over the years from being nice to the wrong people
I'm often what people refer to as an asshole though
I've learned the best view of someones true colors is from under their skin
I very rarely ever actually get down about things
When I do it turns to anger before get a chance to feel sad
I'm usually straight forward which is often mistaken for being angry and pessimistic
I'm actually quite the optimist when it comes down to it
I don't sugarcoat things
I won't negotiate with useless melodramatics
I have a very dark, sikk and twisted sense of humor
I don't forgive
I don't forget
I'm not afraid to laugh when I think somethings funny
I'm not really much afraid of anything
I love the dark
I can improvise with about anything
I rather enjoy life
I have nothing against religion
I know how the world works
I always have and I always will
Any religion or system of belief is nothing more than an opinion
No I do not believe in "God"
I do however believe everyone is entitled to their opinion
But don't go throwing it around like it makes you any better than anyone else
Because in reality it doesn't and your religion sure as hell doesn't either
Religion today is often just another trend for scene kids to follow
I wont judge you because of your religion though
Thats retarded
Everyone has their beliefs
I define nothing
I take each thing as it is
Without prior rules about what it should be
The more I see the less I believe
The more I hear the less I care
Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything
Don't try to be cute... it's just annoying
Don't waste time playing "the game"
There is nothing in life you should or shouldnt to say or do
Therefor there is no reason to try and avoid "drama"
because it's obvious no one wants to... they crave it
Don't make up stupid morals to go by or some dumbass self made code to live by
It's just the same thing as everyone else does
The more you try to be special or different the more you just look like everyone else
It's never worth it
Take what you've learned from coincidence
People are sikk, twisted, selfish, shallow and pathetic creatures
Thriving off jealousy and spite
And they lie constantly
Despite how much you "know" and love them
Doesn't mean you can't get along with em though
Unless they're just sad enough to enjoy the conflict
I know this because I myself am one of these creatures
When you're around people for so long you come to notice things about them
Usually things you'd never want to
In noticing these things you gain a sense about people
And a realization that ultimately in the end people never really change
You don't really need people as much as you think you do
Reputations don't count for shit, they're nothing more than other peoples opinions
Don't waste your life by trying to make a scene out of it
Don't get caught up in trifle mind games with people
Chances are any grudge you hold isn't worth the effort
Don't shade the future with whats behind
Don't live in the past
There's a reason it's over
Pick your memories carefully
Especially the ones you choose to keep
I'm not in this world to live up to your expectations
And you're not in this world to live up to mine
Life is way more simple than we make it out to be
The more reason you try and put into things the more confused you'll become
All you have to do is stop sometimes and look around you
Theres so much to be seen if you just stop and take a look outside yourself
Don't try to live a fairytale but simply just try living your own life instead
they're too many good things in life to mold your life around all the bad things
The bad things are no worse than you make them out to be anyway
Stay brutal in all aspects of life
Think for yourself and live without fear
It's really not all that hard
I promise
We've grown into a monster. An arrogant, explosive motherfukk
Hard as a rokk, shut like a lokk
Finally, the president in submission.
He holds his hand on your television and draws bakk a stump
It's too late for some
Far too late
We are the dirty who kiss and tell.
We are the shady motherfukkers who push (and often cross) the line.
We are the smiling faces behind your fukkups.
We are the scene stealers and heart-fukkers.
We are the "give them an inch and they'll take a mile".
We are what you wish you were.
We are what we never wanted to be.
We are prettier and more distant than you'll ever know.
We are the objects of your unrequited love.
We are the little notes with motives.
We are smiles complete with swear fingers.
We are the dreamers that live and die by singalongs and finger points.
We are the kids who call just as you're getting over us.
We are all better six feet under.
We don't take the time to get to know you, you wouldn't understand us anyway.
We are arrogant motherfukkers
We are the ones laughing at you
We are the ones who live by the fukk you
We will kill you in the end.
We are contributors to the life

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone... Fukk it, I enjoy conversation
Gimmie a shout... Or a text, if you're one of those kind of people, If you have anything decent about you we might have something to go on

My Blog

This (Dead, raped, and rotting) world

HUMANITY(human kind, human nature)alllrighty here it goes. I guess Ill start withhhh going to see the new "the day the earth stood still" movie a while bakk, in the movie this dudes sent to earth to s...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Feb 2009 10:20:00 GMT

Contemplation or reflection (a return to hatred)

AlllllllllrightyI do indeed believe I've finally returned to my former self of pure clarity in my hatred for the people and things around me, not out of jealousy or spite or being pikked on or being t...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 20:10:00 GMT

A day at walmart (a mini revelation you could say)

I love walmart....and the random people who follow me for 5 minutes before stopping me...guy: excuse me...uhhh hey buddyme: yea?guy: hey man how r u doin today me: good uguy: fine man....did u know j...
Posted by on Sat, 05 May 2007 15:04:00 GMT

A flu shot

alright....     ever since the start of last summer something went off in my head and i started noticing a lot of shit...... good, bad, weird, funny shit that just seems like u never c...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 17:40:00 GMT

Rain and darkness

the two things i have always truly loved no matter what have always been the rain and darkness everything just feels better in the rain and if im feeling shitty it always cheers me up it bri...
Posted by on Sat, 13 May 2006 12:12:00 GMT

Not worth crying over

Life is too short to stop and cry about every little thing that happens besides the shitty things are what makes life fun you have just get by it and come to terms with the fact that shit happens and ...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 06:41:00 GMT