This project started in April of 2002 at Mirror Studios in Anchorage Alaska. A little over a year later "Got Fluid?" was born. We are very pleased with the results and want to share our music with the world. We have all been playing for more than 30 years and enjoy writing good rock music.
"We play because we enjoy it. The songs speak for themselves. It's black and white, nothing more, nothing less."
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Reviewer: Krista Ariana
"Fluidhead captures every nerve and emotion in their debut album Got Fluid? The fluiddogs hump themselves to an eclectic mix of hard rock guitar with an equally soft acoustic counterpart; a flawless bass line, and the unstoppable beat pounding their music to its perfection. Coming straight off the streets of Anchorage, Alaska, Fluidhead brings back the classic generation of music by cleverly combining edgy songs Step Aside and Waking, with the smooth ballads Half Light and Take the Time: 'We play because we enjoy it. The songs speak for themselves. Its black and white, nothing more nothing less.' Got Fluid? is a must have for any true fan of music."
Reviewer: Steve A (Two Guys Music RI)
"Got Fluid is one hell of a good indie CD. First of all it sounds great...major label quality. Second of all it has some great tunes...none of which sound the same. This is the kind of stuff that used to come out in the heyday of rock before MTV destroyed music with their pretty boy no talent posers. You know an album that's good all the way through...without fillers. Another good thing about the disc is it has some nice acoustic parts mixed in with the heavier guitar's. It's like a mix of all the great classic bluesy hard/rockin bands from the 70's rolled into one. Can't wait for the followup."
Reviewer: Jill Ann McLees
"The words, can't get closer to real life, they are "OUTSTANDING", along with the vocals, and the instrumentals, it's just awesome. I took this CD back to Michigan with me in April 2004 as it was given to me as a gift from someone very special. The State of Michigan loves ya "fluidhead"!!"