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Watching films , taking pictures,TV,making pancakes, going on scary rides, travelling anywhere, reading things, writing stuff, drawing without thinking about it, music, my friends and my family come in very useful,fighting crime, using my powers for good instead of evil.
A real life giant.
Whoever wrote the Ulysses 31 theme tune.
I'm open to anything but I draw the line at banging hard house and eastern european pop.
I LOVE:Dancer In The Dark,Eternal Sunshine, Ferris Buellers Day Off,Delicatessen, The Goonies, Amelie, The Labyrinth, Before Sunrise/Set, Lost In Translation,Tape, Ace Ventura, Edward Scissor Hands and anything involving Edward Norton.
All of the shite American sitcoms that are on in the morning and that make me late for work,documentaries...especially the ones about people who have freak conditions that only effect one in a billion, The Simpsons, Family Guy, The Office, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The League of Gentlemen, Scrubs,The Muppet Show, Blue Planet, Planet Earth, other shows with the word planet in them, Holiday Showdown.
Sophies World, The Fuck Up, The Hitch hikers Guide to the Galaxy,The Celistine Prophecy, anyones autobiography, sadly this does include Jordan's and nearly Jodie Marsh's.
Eddie Izzard, Tim Burton, Edward Norton, Jim Henson, Michel Gondry, Chris Cunningham, Michael J Fox, Telemachus, Nono.