Tommy's Mommy profile picture

Tommy's Mommy


About Me

holler back. lmao. im nicole, call me nikki. or goatsxy, or (for the next 2 months) prego. and if u just yell out "retard!" ill probably look. im eighteen years old. this started out as my senior year at henninger, but things got way too complicated.. and thanks to the retarded fuck guidance councelers, i dropped out. im hoping to get my ged this summer, and im going to start taking classes at CCC in the fall. i work at mcdonalds and if your a complete stranger and come through the drivethrough and tell me you were just looking at my myspace, it will make my day (hey if you ever see this add me!) yes, i am pregnant my baby is due on july 21st and i cannot wait! the daddy is shane and yes, we ARE together, we were'nt for a really looooong time but now we are again so get over it whores. RANDOM FACT: i have more plastic cards in my wallet than anyone else in the world, and sadly, boner's 3 year old brother is the only person who seems to be impressed by this.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

your mom. aaron carter. and my mexican sister-in-law-to-be, llasmin.


movies that dont suck ass. like saw12&3. and awalktoremember. and howtodeal. gay 12yearoldgirly movies rock ass.


i love the wonderpets. theresa becker is my bestest friend EVER, because shes the only other person in the world who's watched the wonderpets, and adore's them like i do.

wonderpets, wonderpets, were on our way. to help each other and save the day. we're not too big and we're not too tough, but when we work together we've got the right stuff. GOOOOOOOO, wonderpets, yaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!


heroes are people who say things like this:

"Well... no birth control + lots of sex = fetus. It's been that way for thousands of years."

canna doo bia: Nicole, you didn't know the equation of a fetus before today?
canna doo bia: I feel as though I've failed you
canna doo bia: by not teaching you the equation of a fetus earlier
canna doo bia: I'm supposed to be your hero
canna doo bia: instead...
canna doo bia: I've failed you

ComanderBlackCow: i sort of wish you were pregnant. then we could runaway to mexico and raise the baby in a hut as fake lesbians

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My Blog


(2 Points) My name:(4 Points) My last name:(4 Points) Am i in love...if so with who:(1 Points) Where did we meet:(6 Points) Take a stab at my middle name:(1 Points) Where do I work:(3 Point) What am I...
Posted by ♥NiKKi on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 05:53:00 PST

im so lame

my life is getting quite pathetic.  i wake up and sit around all day, waiting for the mailman to get to my house. i get super excited when i see him. if i dont get any mail of my own, ill probabl...
Posted by ♥NiKKi on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 08:35:00 PST

the past

it was so long ago, and sometimes you still can't get over the people who hurt you, the things that made you cry. just hearing one word, seeing one face can bring it all back, like it's happening righ...
Posted by ♥NiKKi on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 07:36:00 PST

boyfriend application: CLOSED.

Name:Age:Birthday:Eyes:Would you want to ever date me?:Why would you want to date me?:What do you look for in a girl?:What are your hobbies?:Favorite bands?:Smoke/Drink? if so, what?:Would you go hang...
Posted by ♥NiKKi on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 12:27:00 PST

im a barbie girl, in a barbie world

ever feel like ur life is a tv show? like it isnt even real. lately it seems like im watching someone else live my life. its like its not even my life anymore. this isnt real. sometimes i laugh harder...
Posted by ♥NiKKi on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 02:32:00 PST

love changes everything

everything used to be so great. back in the day... when everything was perfect. i didnt have to care about anything. i had no responsibilities, no worries, i did what i wanted to when i wanted to. i d...
Posted by ♥NiKKi on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 10:08:00 PST

just a rant on freshmen

theyre STUPID. they all are.  and they are so fuggen annoying. like half the fuckin school is freshman. for like, a week it was kinda fun, to have a bunch of new people around. but all the freshm...
Posted by ♥NiKKi on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 07:30:00 PST

happy time.

had a night out with the girls last night. me and theresa went to the mall... boughht some kickass new clothes and made awesome new friends at hot topic... trever, justin... it was great. met up with ...
Posted by ♥NiKKi on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 12:41:00 PST

senior schedule

DAY ONE/THREE blockone government-tripodi blocktwo healthchemistry-boland blockthree math-kitts blockfour livingenvironment-singer   DAY TWO/FOUR blockone art-neri! blocktwo english-demott blockt...
Posted by ♥NiKKi on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 09:32:00 PST